One of the things that bloggers look at is how they can use their blog to bring in more money. If there is already a business that brings in money in place the blog may just be for lead-generation and for outreach. You could still get more from it so why not monetize your WordPress blog(more…)

Among the many different website creation tools and Content Management Systems, WordPress has gained quite a lot of popularity and a steady following over the years. Since its inception in 2001, it has become the most popularly used platform.

Different versions have been released during this time and like any other ideal product, it has gotten better. You would not want to use something unless you know it is going to give great output, right? Otherwise, you would just be wasting your time. (more…)

A website is a platform that connects a business to its clients. If the website sells services or products it is a great place to increase sales and ensure a regular flow of income.

It is therefore important for clients to have a sense of trust towards the website for them to make any transactions via the website. Your work is therefore already cut out for you since you need to make your WordPress website more trustworthy.  (more…)

Hackers are all over the place trying to test their hacking skills on different websites. If your website is not properly secured you may fall victim to such predators. That explains why security is among the features your WordPress theme should have. How then do you protect your website?

The one place that hackers can use to gain entry into your website is the login page. This is like the main entrance to a house so this is where you should step up efforts to increase WordPress login security. (more…)

One picture is like a thousand words, or so they say. This applies whether it is content targeting adults or children. This is because research suggests that 90% of information that is relayed to the brain is visual and the brain processes visual signals 60,000 times faster than text. (more…)

Business is the backbone of many economies and it is becoming very popular all over the world. Technology has taken it a step further and we now have eCommerce; websites built solely for the purpose of buying and selling of goods. For these websites to be effective and allow the owners reach their set targets they will need to make use of the best eCommerce WordPress plugins. Here we look at some of them. (more…)

500 internal server error is an error that can occur to any website and not just WordPress. It may be a little worrying the first time you encounter it, but it is something that can be fixed.

Before you embark on the journey to fix 500 internal server error, you need to know that there is no specific thing that causes it to occur. You, therefore, have to try out different approaches until you find something that works. (more…)

Website themes add value and variety to a website but over time, they require upgrades to keep up with any new features and keep security patches up-to-date. It is possible to upgrade a WordPress theme without too much technical know-how, and there are many ways to do it.

Before you begin anything, you need first to back up the theme files. You are going to be replacing and updating theme files, and you never know whether something will go wrong. Backing up the current theme and database is very important since it will allow you to go back to the old theme and start afresh. (more…)

Every page on a website serves a particular purpose and is therefore important. Some are however overlooked. One of these is the WordPress contact page.

Many website owners assume that any kind of contact page will be sufficient but that is not the case. It is a page like any other and you will therefore need to create a WordPress contact page with proper designing to ensure it brings more business your way. (more…)

You want your readers to take action. The desired action could be sharing your content your content on social media, posting a comment, buying a product, joining your email list and the list goes on. A call to action will help you achieve this goal.

Well, for the most part, people are too lazy and need a little motivation to do anything online. So you need to convince them that the action you’re asking them to take is worth their time.

Is the free ebook going to be useful? Is your content epic enough for someone to want to let their friends take a look? Is your online course going to add any value to them at all? (more…)