Posted on May 15 2015 by
inThis is a real workhorse website that was originally on a Movable Type platform but which I changed to WordPress and WP-Jazz about seven years ago. It is low on graphics and high on content and is an adjunct to my newspaper column in the Sydney Morning Herald in Australia.
At the heart of the website is a readers’ forum where people can ask and answer questions about living in apartments (a new experience for increasing numbers of Australians).
The website gets an average of about 600 unique visitors per day but that can shoot up to more than 2000 if I have a hot topic on the newspaper’s website driving readers here.
I occasionally think about updating the theme but, on the principle of “don’t fix it if it ain’t broke”, I might wait until till it won’t do something I want it to, then think about an upgrade.
I know WP-Jazz is a bit old school these days, but it has served me and my readers very, very well.