Posted on Oct 31 2015 by
in Blog Old-PluginsAdding images and enhancing them is one of the best visual help that the WordPress gallery plugins can provide your website with. If you have just started with one, you might be finding it hard to choose the gallery plugins to offer you with a wide range of options to improve the visual display of your site. Check out the following for the best WordPress gallery plugins that will help you accomplish the task.
Some can be highly functional, some easy to use and some others can be minimalistic. In this case, pick the one that best meets your needs, so take a moment and look into these WP gallery plugins.
This is one of the best WordPress gallery plugins that lets you enhance the visual display of your site in a very easy manner. Right now, there are millions of websites using this cool WP gallery plugin. With it, you can add images to a photo gallery from your computer, media library or server folder and create albums, something ideal if you want to group galleries from your sites together.
You can also add a button in your visual editor, letting you add a gallery and then choose the manner of displaying it. Choose either basic extended or basic compact (two album display options). This is one of the excellent WordPress gallery plugins to use with its intuitive interface, letting you edit your gallery straight from your visual editor.
It is an easy to use gallery plugin, yet it gives you amazing results. It loads galleries fast and it lets you add one on your Dashboard. This is also fully responsive to boot, so no hassles. You can add a gallery, give it a name or choose images for what you want to include on it. Bonus: It also offers plenty of customization settings, including thumbnail sizes, columns, layouts and margin sizing. You can insert galleries on any page, widget or post, too.
Extending the default use of WP galleries, WP Canvas is one of the top WordPress gallery plugins to choose from with its highly intuitive features and easy to use functions. With it, there won’t be an additional menu item to add to your dashboard because it works by just letting you see extra options on the right side when creating or adding a gallery to a post or a page.
By using it, you will be able to use extra options in terms of display, size and caption, among others. Additionally, the WP Canvas lets you use a masonry format, as a carousel or as a slider when displaying a gallery. Using this WP gallery plugin offers you a wide range of options, while harnessing the functionality of your WP galleries.
Do you want to add professional-looking galleries as well as lightboxes on your pages or posts? Then, the Portfolio Gallery, one of the finest WordPress gallery plugins, is what to use. It lets you add images, not to a gallery but to a portfolio, while also gives you the ability of editing every element in your photos, including their descriptions, captions and links, among others. Nevertheless, this is a very easy to set up and use gallery plugin with its powerful features, including loading images fast and working responsively.
*Photo credits for plugins:
Create Not Only a Website, But Also a Beautiful Website with These WordPress Gallery Plugins and a BONUS!
There you have a few of the top WP gallery plugins for professional looking images and site display.
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