Posted on Sep 30 2014 by
in Blogs and Blogging Freebies How to sell onlineMany developers and WordPress Gurus know that WordPress was a game changer for web page development, and pretty much internet web pages in general. As the platform continues to expand, there is a place on the internet called the FAQ Codex, which is a list of all the FAQs that are geared towards WordPress.
The site is like Wikipedia, in that people from all over the world can contribute, edit, design, develop, answer questions, and interact with the material there.
Codex Guidelines
The following are guidelines for contributing new work to the Codex:
If there is an article that resembles your article, improve the existing page.
Use the Sandbox page for practice styling.
Add a link from another article to your article to develop interconnections between articles. Do not create “dead-end pages”. These are pages without links to other Codex pages.
Once pages are created they are live, and any links to them will work. When users click their way to an empty page, they have wasted their time. Only create pages when you have fairly complete and accurate content to put into them.
Once completed and moved out into the documentation from your user page, links must be made from the “sub” Table of Contents and other related documents to the new article. Ask if you are not sure of where to create a link from the sub-Table of Contents. Do not put a link on the Main Page without permission from the Documentation team.
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