WordPress – The Best CMS for Today’s Marketers and Web Designers

Posted on Nov 15 2017 by in Blog Business Development News-theme Portfolio Premium WordPress Themes 2024 | Premium WordPress Membership and Individual Premium WordPress Theme Pricing WordPress 

To gain the significant market share and occupy the consumer base, business strategies are including the use of various blogging sites to evolve their business. The blogs are helpful in creating awareness among the consumers regarding the business ideas and business propositions. The blogging world has scaled heights with its introduction and benefits for numerous businesses.

WordPress history

Various blogging sites entered the market and flew back in the small amount of time. Other blogging websites did not create the major impact. The case differs regarding the use of WordPress. WordPress entered the global market in 2003 and since then has given some of the significant blogging advantages to the business world. The unique and simple blogging platform has made its mark in the market and creates a global shift as to how the business in the market functions.

WordPress is a fairly simple user interface to use and manage the account on. The top-notch companies like New York Times and CNN are creating history with their businesses while working on the WordPress blogs.

Following are some of the benefits or advantages of using WordPress for your business propositions and enhancement:

  • WordPress is fairly cheap: Since WordPress has a fairly simple user interface and can be used by anyone; there is no need for hiring a designer for your websites. Gone are the days of making substantial payments to build websites. The website’s content can be updated conveniently and easily by anyone on WordPress, and you need not hire an expert to accommodate your WordPress account.
  • Convenience: WordPress is available on all the devices, be it the computer, laptops or mobile devices. The added comfort given by WordPress is such that you can edit the website and manage your account from anywhere in the world.
  • Search Engine Optimization Component Available: The added advantage of using WordPress to build your website is that it comes with the option of search engine optimization. The sites built using the platform of WordPress will be able to appear in the Google indexing. This will increase the Google traffic on your website and enhance your business. In this context, Melbourne SEO Services prove to be a significant help to the companies. They enable you’re to increase the Google traffic and shift the focus of targeted consumers on your website.
  • Syndication available: The websites built through WordPress are available with the syndication option that will create awareness among the consumers regarding your site. For example, if you post a blog, the link will be created for the blog, and that will be inculcated in the RSS feed of the Google. This way it will take rounds in the feed of the targeted consumers and boost up the audience on your website.
  • Upgrade your WordPress website easily: The WordPress has given extensive features paired with ease to its clients. To give a new and furnished look to your site, you can easily update your WordPress website by installing the newly built Plugins available on the WordPress platform. This way you will be renovating your site easily and in a cheaper way. The ancient days of using a web designer to update your website are now an old story. Conquer the ease of your site on your fingertips by installing WordPress.
  • Social Media Integration: The ease of social media integration on your WordPress website has been given to you. Here you need not connect your social networks one by one. All you have to do is create a WordPress account, and it gets linked to all the social network accounts that you are using. This way the social network account users are updated with the content that is being updated on your WordPress website.
  • Increased Security: WordPress site if developed by an expert proves to be hacking free and full of security. Traditionally, the sites were not hacking free and were able to be taken by anyone. This is not possible on the WordPress platform for website designing. Thus you can be sure of the security of your site debunking all the myths that were initially linked with the security that was offered by WordPress.
  • Easy Transition from One Designer To Another: You can easily shift from one WordPress designer to another. The platform of WordPress is fairly easy to use and is an open source platform. It can be handled by anyone, be it a novice in this field. WordPress ensures that the platform can be used by anybody and everybody and offers great ease.

Thus, these are some of the significant advantages of using WordPress for your business. Now, you need not worry about the traditional ways of using your website. All you need to do is create a WordPress account and go ahead with your business propositions. Boost up your business and witness the magic happening.

Author bio: Gilbert Penning has mentioned about WordPress history as well as the advantages associated with the same. He has also focused on the professional Melbourne SEO Services. You can follow his upcoming blogs to