Posted on Oct 10 2017 by
in Advertising Affiliate Marketing Blogs and Blogging Content Marketing SEO Optimized Wordpress ThemesQuizzes, you have heard of them before. Perhaps you have participated in several of them. You are familiar with questionnaires that aim at helping you gauge your personality, ability to carry out specific tasks and so on. Magazine publishers use them a lot, especially in publications that target teens and women.
With the advent of social media, taking quizzes has now taken a new dimension. In the former case, you took these little tests for your sake. However, now the test results have other uses. When you share the outcome with friends or followers on, say, Facebook, the game plan changes altogether. Of importance is not the fact that you have taken a quiz but with whom you share it.
From the hype generated, can you turn this to an advantage? If you are an entrepreneur, is it possible to use quiz results to promote your products or services? To find answers, first you need to understand the type of quizzes available.
You may have encountered tests that measure how you behave at the workplace. The test comes with questions whose responses reveal to employers whether you are a good fit for working in teams or individually. The information an organization gathers helps develop your profile. Moreover, if you are interviewing for a job, your answers assist potential employers to measure your suitability for the job.
In a business scenario, Facebook provides you with an application through which you can create personality tests. By taking this test, visitors coming to your page can:
• Discover their persona
• Enter your promotion
• Find the motivation to buy your product or service
On your part, the quiz acts as a survey that helps you measure the type of interest your business has raised in your potential clients.
The test consists of questions with answers arranged as multiple choices. The answers are a combination of one that is correct with the others being incorrect. After completing the quiz, you get a score. Facebook allows you to share your results with friends and other people who like your page.
In this kind of test, you can repackage the activity you wish to promote using answers from respondents. An ideal way would be to offer rewards to participants with the highest scores. To succeed, you need to connect with the product, brand or service.
Craft your quiz in a manner that makes it meaningful. Give a story that people believe upon reading. At the same time, make your questions as well as the answers realistic. The target audience has to think that the campaign is about them.
Having understood Facebook quizzes, you now need to turn them into an advantage for your business. How do you benefit from these tests?
1. Let the audience fit in
Quizzes are enjoyable to run. Audiences love them too since they getan opportunity to show off what they know. These tests have a high tendency of going viral. Your fans will take part and extend an invitation to their friends. Before you know it, your brand gets promoted. Other benefits of Facebook tests include:
• Collection of email addresses
• They encourage marketing on a person-to-person basis
• Participants become new brand ambassadors
• They refuel product awareness initiatives
Therefore, to reap these benefits, develop tests that align with your target audience. Interestingly, social media quizzes work with any group. You can use this app for any respondent group and any service or product.
Take sufficient time to draft or obtain images that are relevant to the campaign. Create related content and make the quiz fun to indulge. The more sophisticated it is, the more memorable your brand becomes.
2. Invest in time and creativity
Running quizzes on Facebook calls for creativity. You also need perfectly crafted content. Do your research and find topics that can challenge what your audience knows already. From there, pose questions that hook a participant’s attention. Introduce a unique image for every item.
Unless you are a graphic designer, finding pictures may seem like a huge task. However, you need not worry since there are imageson the web which you can use for freeand without infringing on the owners’ copyright.
These activities require much time. You must also show much creativity with illustrations. Invest in both and watch as the traffic to your page swells.
3. Decide on prizes
Facebook does not make it mandatory for you to offer rewards. Nonetheless, drawing crowds does not happen without an incentive. Prospects want and always look for something they can hold on to or use to show off.
In that case, bring on board prizes; they need not be of the monetary type. You could also reward people with recognitions. Rewards help in boosting the traffic flow to your page. Also, with many people taking part, there are high chances that the number of visits that convert to sales will increase compared to when you only have a few visitors.
As you consider the prizes to offer, be on the lookout for bounty hunters. These are people with only one objective – to grab the reward before disappearing. Choose whether to reward participants or not. If you do, let the prize appeal to participants and target those that are in your client base.
4. Think viral
Use features that will make your campaign go viral. For instance, there are those that reward participants who answer questions quickly. Others award additional points when respondents invite friends. Invitations provide an exciting opportunity for comparison of scores.
Quizzes can lure prospects into a brand or product campaign. You can either opt for personality or knowledge tests as the need demands. Research extensively, find out what your audience knows and prepare to test them. Craft the quiz in a manner such that visitors will not find it awkward to participate. Look for enticing illustrations.
Social media indulgence can get users hooked. Take advantage and turn the addiction into benefits for your business. The results might not be instant, but the benefits will flow. Try running a few quizzes and get a feel of what a real marketing campaign is.
Robert McCain is renowned social media enthusiast, he loves Facebook quizzes. He advocates for the use of these tests to promote brands. He is also an experienced digital marketer. Visit his blog here for more information.