Posted on Nov 23 2017 by
in SEO Optimized Wordpress Themes SEO Plugins Wordpress SEOThe entire web game is all about appearing in the search engine results and ranking well while doing so. There are a gazillion hacks to get this done and a lot of people use them to their blog and site’s advantage. Also, marketers are making mountains move just in order to provide an edge to their products or their clients’ business.
The several On-Page and Off-Page SEO techniques can help you combat your SEO woes and there is a plethora of such tips on the Internet. In this blog post, we will be talking about the several On-Page SEO tweaks that can help you ace the game of SERPs. So, let’s begin.
What is On-Page SEO?
On-Page SEO is specifically about handling the technical as well as the content related SEO elements of your website and its pages. When you carry out the On-Page SEO of your website, you are trying to communicate well with the Search engines so that they are understand your content, its target audience and eventually rank it as per the quality standards. Let’s begin talking about the proven tweaks you can introduce in your On-Page SEO strategy.
1. Great Content, everyday
If you are having a website you should know that people don’t read the content of your site just for the sake of its existence. They spend their precious time on in-depth content which is engaging, original, well-researched and meaningful. No matter what kind of audience your website caters to, compromising with the quality of your content will bring down your website sooner or later.
It is imperative for a website owner to have great content which can attract and sustain users and readers for a substantial amount of time. If you feel that you can work on your content, there is definitely a scope for some improvement.
2. Keyword Density and Placement
The Keyword rant is as old as the trees and most of the website owners understand its significance as well. But, there is more to Keywords than their mere mention in the content. A great content strategy entails the right density and the right placement of the target keywords.
When we talk of keyword density, we mean the number of times that particular keyword appears throughout. Whereas, the keyword placement is about placing the target keyword in the different sections of the content so that they multiply the relevance of the connection.
Generally, Keyword density is determined through the following – (Number of keywords/ Total number of words) * 100. It is quite understandable that the Keyword density in content will depend upon the word count. Also, placing Keywords wisely must be a thoughtful part of your content strategy.
Bonus Tip: Talking of the word count, always assess the benchmark for how many words should be enough to justify your concept and engage the users but not kill them with boredom and over-preaching.
3. Navigation, Content Formatting and User-friendliness
All your SEO efforts will quite be flushed down the drain if people don’t feel like visiting your website or if they prefer abandoning the website surfing process midway. To ensure that your website does not fall victim to this, try the following:
• Lead the users well. Try to maintain a connection within the web pages so that the site visitors are able to navigate through your website seamlessly, without having to put in too many seconds of thought.
• The content should be published in a manner that apart from being unique, it should be visually appealing as well. Formatting is a great tool to shape up your content and must be used judiciously so that users don’t get frustrated when they are going through the content.
• A user-friendly website will save you loads of efforts, any day. Make sure that you employ tricks and tips to improve user experience on your website.
Bonus Tip: A user-friendly website is the one which is mobile-friendly as well so that users can access it from any chosen device.
4. Page Titles and Meta Descriptions
The page title of your website’s content should be such that it contains upto65 characters, has wisely placed target keywords as well as the main keyword. Don’t forget to make it unique, attractive and inviting as well, without getting too technical all at once. Do not repeat the Keyword more than once in the title tag. The conciseMeta Description must include the target keyword and should be crafted in a manner that the search results can display the intention behind it.
Bonus Tip: The Page title must talk about what the readers or the users can expect in the upcoming page or the content.
5. Categories and Tags
Many online articles have talked a lot about this tweak already. The selection of the right categories for the relevant content and providing the right tags is a must. In a single post, try to be restricted and not use more than one or two categories. When it comes to tagging, be selective as not every kind of post needs a tag.
6. Image Optimization
Images are a great source of visual stimulation and connection. However, they have more purpose to their being when it comes to involvement in the On-Page SEO. When optimized with the right keywords, Image Alt text and tags, they can serve a greater purpose.
Bonus Tip: Make sure that you optimize all the existing images on the site so that they can contribute to a better page loading speed as well. Remember, fast loading web pages are the keys to your website’s success.
7. Linking
Be it External or Internal, linking is immensely useful for your website’s SEO. On one hand, Internal linking will provide SEO exposure to your own content as well as help the site visitors with related content under a specific topic that they are interested in. On the other hand, External linking will help you earn some inter-website linking from other websites and bloggers. This exchange of links will be a win-win situation for both the parties.
8. Social Sharing and User-engagement
Well, this one is usual. You need to be actively vocal about the promotion of your website and its content so that maximum people get to access it. This will mean bringing maximum audience to your website pages and increase the engagement on it. Here are a few tips to help you engage well with the users:
• Always update the content over a certain period of time so that your existing audience has something to look forward to. Also, this will give out an impression that you respect the viewership and its expectations.
• Always engage with the users and the readers who comment on your blogs or pages. This will again bring them to your website and increase the traffic.
• Enable social media sharing so that readers can share the content they like.
• Based on the niche of your website, you can run loyalty subscriptions or similar programs so that the loyal viewer base feels recognized and appreciated.
Summing up:
A great website is the fruit of many efforts, years of persistent hard work, good content and an even better SEO strategy. Before you dive into the complex SEO concepts, it is important to be aware of over-the-surface tips and tricks. If you choose to implement the above discussed tweaks in your SEO efforts, results will gradually show up. Just play your cards well and you will win.
About the author:
Catherrine Garcia a passionate blogger and a freelance Web Developer. She along with her group of freelance developers, are experts of creating Websites on CMS.