Posted on Jun 01 2014 by
in BlogAre you interested in learning how to make money from your WordPress site? There are hundreds of ways to make money from a website. From small businesses to personal bloggers, monetizing a WordPress site is the main goal of many website owners. There are a number of ways to generate money from your website, including affiliate marketing, advertisements, and selling products or services. For those looking to earn some money from their website, learn how to monetize your WordPress site.
The first step is to think about the purpose of your website. If you are a business and you sell products or services, then advertising those items is only natural. On the opposite end, if you are blogging or creating a personal site where you are not offering products or services then advertisements and affiliate marketing would make sense. The type of website you manage will directly impact which options you should consider when monetizing your WordPress site. The main methods of monetizing a website include:
Selling Products and Services
Affiliate Marketing
You can use just a single method or all of the above when monetizing your WordPress site. The main thing to consider is how useful your visitors will find the methods you include.
Selling Products and Services
WordPress is a great platform for small businesses offering products or services. From crafts to professional services, there are many ways to sell products through your WordPress site. If you do plan on offering services or products through your website, then you may want to consider using a WordPress ecommerce plugin or a WordPress theme that already has ecommerce functionality. Using a plugin or theme that is designed for ecommerce will make cataloging inventory easier and allow you to track sales and orders.
Advertisements are everywhere and while they can be annoying to users if they are used and placed correctly on your website then instead of becoming a distraction they can actually add the user experience. There are many ways to include advertisements on your website, including Google AdSense and other contextual advertising sources. Another option is to sell ad space; though, you will need to have a high amount of regular traffic in order to be able to effectively sell your ad space. Without a lot of visitors there is no reason for another website to pay for ad space on your site.
Affiliate Marketing
There are several different approaches to affiliate marketing. For those that do not know what affiliate marketing is, it is based around the idea of promoting a product from another source and then collecting a commission when a user follows the link to the product from your page and makes a purchase. Some people will simply use affiliate marketing in the same manner as advertising by placing ads around their site. Others will devote an entire post to explaining or reviewing a particular product.
If there is a lot of content on your website and you would like to make some it restricted to members only, then you could earn some money through subscriptions or memberships. This is great for websites that offer valuable and in-depth tutorials or guides. You could provide certain tutorials to all users and then restrict the complete guides to paid members.
However you choose to monetize your WordPress site, make sure you still provide a pleasing user experience to visitors. Do not distract them with too many ads or other offers. Consider all your options before making a final decision.