Improving landing page to make it convert

Posted on Oct 03 2019 by in Affiliate Marketing Blog Guest Post 

Landing page

Landing pages are famous for being a highly strategic and powerful tool increasing conversions and trust for the company. You have probably already heard loads of stories of online entrepreneurs who managed to take their business off the ground with a little help of a state-of-the-art landing page. But I bet you must have also heard about landing page failures once they actually did not help businesses in thriving.

Truth being told, landing pages are just a tool. And it is up to you how to use them and to what extent you use their potential. I am aware that if you have tried to take advantage of landing pages and they have done absolutely nothing for your business or you have heard a lot of failure stories, you have a right to be demotivated and full of doubts about landing pages power. However, running an online business is a journey full of struggles, doubts and backfired ideas so you cannot lose heart for something even if it does not work immediately or requires additional effort.

Landing pages have no equals when it comes to boosting conversions and making favourable first impression. However, in order to give you all the promised bonanza you need to create landing page of high quality, tailored to your target group’s taste and compatible with the latest landing page trends. Only this way your landing page can turn out to be converting and truly efficient. Therefore, what are the ways to improve your landing page to make it convert?

Modifying landing page template

The way your landing page is designed is the first thing that any visitor notices, subliminally, of course, but still it has an enormous impact on general perception and experience. Hence, you need to make sure your landing page template is properly chosen, suits both your business and offer and create a favourable experience for the users. As only if it meets all these conditions it may help your business thrive.

No matter whether you created your landing page from scratch, choose a landing page template from the ones found online or picked one from a landing page builder – if it turns out not to be converting one you need to take into consideration modifying it. I realise that sometimes when there is one model that you truly fancy it is difficult to abandon it. However, even if it looks neat it may not be genuinely suitable for your business.

Internet is full of beautiful attention-grabbing landing pages templates. Even though it does sound appealing there is a little trick – it makes it easier to choose an inappropriate landing page template that won’t truly be responsive for your targeted audience. Another thing is the fact that it is impossible to create a general landing page template which would suit all types of business. When it comes to landing pages, personalization is the key and every landing page template does require some adjustments.

When choosing a landing page template and adjusting it later try to keep in mind your targeted customers – what they need, what they engage in and what most likely they are fond of. You need to choose one that will be most compatible with your business’ mission and vision as otherwise your visitors may feel perplexed and neither consider you an expert in the field nor your solution a trustworthy option. And they won’t convert.

Including popups on your landing page

popups are said to be an embodiment of evil what is definitely a far-fetched statement. Undoubtedly they are widely used by aggressive marketers who try to palm some rubbish off and rip off their customers. It mainly refers to all those popups blocking entire websites and effectively preventing people finding an exit button. Nonetheless, popups may also be used wisely and in good faith for customers once they provide them with value.

popups are undeniably disruptive as usually they arrive unexpected and block entire or at least a part of the website. It really can be frustrating for visitors if they are in search of something important. But let’s imagine a situation when a popup actually brings them a desired solution and is exactly what they have been looking for. I bet that even if they don’t like the blocking element itself they will be happy once discover it is valuable for them.

As popups do always get the attention of visitors it is a great way to offer a special treat what can exceptionally increase conversions. It can be, for example:

➔a checklist,
➔a calendar,
➔something printable,
➔an inspiration file,
➔an e-book,
➔a special recipe,

You decide what your target audience needs and you need to know how you can help them solve their problems. If you offer them something appealing they will certainly subscribe in exchange for it.

Nevertheless, note that it is almost obligatory for you to follow landing page pop ups best practices in order to create an engaging popup what will help your landing page in getting leads instead of the opposite. Make sure it is short but meaningful, neat and nice-looking, with one image, an exit button in a visible spot and a call to action. If you make sure it is all of that, nobody will associate it with the bad practices of aggressive marketers.

Taking care of Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization is like a boomerang in the digital business world. It does always bounce back demanding an action in order not to let you be missed out. Truth being told, as content marketing is a huge deal in the online business world you should never ignore its importance and make sure your content does appear high in the search engines. As otherwise, you can be easily outperformed by the competition.

Taking care of SEO may sound like an obvious fact but still a large number of online entrepreneurs ignore its seriousness hoping it will be fine. Well, not so quick. There is a possibility that once you have a supreme product or service no one else offers you may sleep peacefully. However, as we both know this situation can only exist in your imagination, you need to make your landing page visible in search engines.

Frankly speaking, SEO optimization does require some additional effort but it is not a highly complex and arduous task. Especially when it comes to SEO optimization of a landing page. In order to do this you need to:

➔give your landing page own unique tags and Meta description as they will differentiate your landing page from a multitude of similar ones,
➔put the most precious tags in headlines and subheadlines as those will be perceived most crucial by search engines and they will be basing on them when driving traffic,
➔speed up your landing page by using smaller images, getting rid of not used plugins and choosing fast web host.

The above three ways to improve your SEO is just a tip of the iceberg but the best thing is to start with them as they are enough to make a difference for your landing page visibility and in consequence conversions as well.

Including testimonials

I think we both know how much power has primeval but yet still effective word-of-mouth. You may use all of the complex and exquisite marketing campaign tricks such as state-of-the-art engaging and high quality videos used, compounded personalization or using url generator to track its results meticulously. Nonetheless, none of these will be of the same value what is a recommendation from an actual human being.

As we all are social animals we do tend to trust more in other people’s opinion rather than in any other tricks and tactics used by marketers. It is even scientifically proven that customers have more trust in the brands that have a lot of positive opinions and feedback from their clientele. Even you should try to recall any moment when you were purchasing something online. I bet you have checked the reviews list before you make a final choice, didn’t you?

Once realising that in fact it does matter you should act upon it. In order to increase conversions on your landing page you should add some positive feedback from your previous customers. Testimonials not only will inspire trust but also will give your brand authenticity and transparency which both are highly valued in today’s online business world where fakeness lurks around every corner.

To tell the truth, positive testimonials will make the visitors more prone to purchase right away as they will be convinced that your solutions is impeccable and definitely worth buying. Even if you have just started your online business journey you can include them on your landing page simply by distributing your solution to your friends and family asking them for an honest and a little more elaborate opinion than “it’s cool” 😉 Since a sound feedback can really work miracles for landing page conversions you should make an effort and add it.

Taking care of mobile friendliness

Last but not least, it is worth mentioning that we live in the era of smartphones and people tend to browse the Internet on their mobiles even more frequently than via computer. Since they are able to do this while they commute or waiting in a queue in a supermarket just to kill time you should take care of your landing page look both on desktops and mobile devices. As elseways your landing page may drive customers away instead of making them convert.

Even if you have the best quality landing page and nurse user experience with utmost care all your efforts may come to naught if you don’t adjust it for mobiles and tablets. You need to make sure it looks absolutely magnificent on every type of device. Since the use of mobile devices is increasing as new digitized generations come you need to take care of mobile friendliness of your landing page.

Once your landing page looks divine on a desktop but all the elements of it are in disorder when entering it on a tablet it does make you look unprofessional and neglectful. Hence, it is also important for your brand perception and trust of the visitors. I bet you wouldn’t like to purchase something from a business that doesn’t care about the quality and does not respect its visitors. Your potential leads wouldn’t like as well and they won’t convert if they see a poor quality landing page that is not adjusted for every type of device.