How to Implement SEO on the WordPress Content Management System?

Posted on Jul 18 2017 by in SEO Plugins 

WordPress has emerged as one of the most popular content management systems as well as web publishing platforms for contemporary website developers and bloggers largely due to its versatility, simplicity, and the wide range of possible adaptations. However, its simple operation often tempts users to try and implement things that they shouldn’t or even ignore important SEO elements affecting business growth and profitability. Some common questions answered:

Is It True That WordPress Comes Optimized for Search Engines?

Regrettably, there’s nothing like a CMS that is search engine optimized out of the box. Even though it is search engine friendly, you will still need to fine tune it manually for it to deliver the best performance. You will not be able to boost your page rankings just by switching over to WordPress. The myth is largely due to CMS vendors touting it as such to business owners and managers who are not quite technically conversant about SEO concepts, especially the difference between search engine-optimized and search engine-friendly.

Can an SEO Plug-in Replace an SEO Consultant?

There are many dimensions to SEO besides being a continuous effort rather than a “set and forget” technique. All the SEO elements can never be handled by a WordPress plug-in; configuring it correctly is just the first step of the complex process that will need to be overseen by an expert who is familiar with the concepts of organic search and understands how vital it is for your online marketing. Usually, the task is best performed by someone in a long-term relationship with your business; it could be an employee or a Calgary SEO consulting expert.

Unless you know how to manage the process of upgrading WordPress or installing a new plug-in it can negatively impact your SEO due to alteration of the site code and loading speed. Also, keyword-based content optimization based on SEO analytics and reaction to trends and competitor activity cannot be handled by a plug-in. A WordPress SEO consultant will be able to conduct SEO audits periodically to ensure that the site is kept optimized even in the face of a rapidly-changing environment.

How to Choose the Appropriate WordPress SEO Plug-in?

While WordPress SEO by Yoast and All In One SEO Pack are the two SEO plug-ins that are clear leaders, you will first need to figure out whether the plug-in is compatible with the site technology and whether the developers are committed to extending technical support and if there is a vibrant user community that can help out with problem resolution. Check out how popular the plug-in is and investigate if the developers have a history of issuing regular updates and versions that enable the plug-in to stay contemporary. Avoiding new products from unknown developers is essential.


While WordPress may be simple and easy to implement, SEO is a complex subject and requires a thorough understanding for you to be able to leverage its potential. SEO plug-ins can be very useful in making lives easier, but human intervention by an expert is the only way that you can stay ahead in this rapidly-changing environment.

Author Bio: Alex Jones is the owner and CEO of one of the most reputed Calgary SEO consulting agencies. Alex focuses on the SEO requirements of small and medium businesses that are unable to afford an in-house SEO team.