Posted on Nov 16 2019 by Anonymous in Blog Blog Post Blogs Blogs and Blogging Business WordPress Security WordPress Setup in MAC
WordPress has an amazing community and ecosystem. After all, it is used by 34% of the total websites on the web. WordPress is such a user friendly CMS that anyone can easily setup their website or blog with ease. All one have to do is just purchase a hosting plan, find a suitable domain from NameFresh and install WordPress.
This immense popularity brings in both good and bad things. The hackers are always on the lookout to infect WordPress website. Developers, on the other hand always try to ward off their activities, but that’s not possible all the time.
From a webmaster’s perspective, it is hard to get malware infected with professionally paid themes. They are built with care, and as a business name is associated with the product, the company takes extra care when releasing their products to the public. However, that doesn’t mean there are not other ways for your theme to get infected.
Your theme might be malware infected for the following reasons.
By injecting malware, a hacker can aim to do a lot of things. Let’s list some of them below.
So, how do you know that your website is infected with malware? Many signs hint at it. The symptoms that you should look at are as below:
Now that we have completely understood the different dynamics of malware infection, it is now time to learn how to scan your website and detect malware. We will also cover methods to remove the malware from your WordPress theme.
The best way to protect your website from malware is to understand the source of the theme. To make sure that you download it from the right source, we recommend doing a Google search.
By performing a Google search, you can get a hint from where you are downloading your theme. If you get a get a wrong impression or see a negative review, it is better to leave the website and search for an alternative download source. Also, users who have found malware infection earlier will inevitably leave their review on the site to alert others about it.
Now that you have downloaded the theme, it is now time to check the theme for malware infections.
You should always scan your theme before installing it on your website. If you are not confident about the technicalities of a WordPress theme, it is a good idea to hire a developer to do setup your blog for you. This extra step will ensure that your website is not infected from the get-go.
You can also use tools to do the scan yourself. Let’s list them below.
This leads us to the end of the guide on how to scan and detect malware in WordPress themes. By following the guide, you will be able to detect and remove malware. We also listed precautionary steps on how to make sure that the theme you download from the internet is free from malware. If you find the guide useful, don’t forget to share it with your friends. Also, do you always scan your theme before installing? If so, comment below and share your method with us. We are listening!
About The Author:
Mark Coleman is working as an Editor at MarkupTrend. He is a passionate writer and loves to share his knowledge with marketing community.