Posted on Jul 27 2016 by
in BlogIn 2016, WordPress is a household name. It’s a brand that almost every website owner or designer is aware of, and that’s assuming they don’t already use it. Like anything else, though, WordPress blogs came from somewhere. Today I’m going to show you just how far WP has come since its creation.
We’ll follow that up with an infographic that charts the path WordPress sites took from its inception to its current throne on the peak of content management systems.
Let’s look back on the time you started thinking about creating a blog. You may currently be in this moment or it could be a distant memory, but we’ve all been there. You’re looking for the right platform to create your masterpiece and you see there’s a lot of options.
Sooner or later (most likely sooner), you come across WordPress and all of the incredible themes it offers. You start looking into it and the statistics blow you away:
Beyond these stats, what makes WP so popular? It all boils down to some of the extremely user-friendly design choices and features it offers. For starters, it’s an open source program that doesn’t cost a dime to download and use.
Another benefit of this feature is the ability for people to create their own plugins and themes that work with the latest version of WordPress. Programmers around the world contribute to the program’s continued patches and success through volunteer work.
In terms of usability, there’s nothing that beats WordPress. The design and layout is extremely easy to understand for beginners and advanced users alike. The addition of plugins and themes allows those same users to completely customize the look and feel of their blog or website without any trouble.
Continuing the list of great features, WordPress also has plenty of options for SEO (search engine optimization). The coding used in the program and the plugins available for tweaking your various on and off-page settings allows you to hit the top spots in organic search rankings with enough skill and work.
Finally, WordPress is extremely adaptable to all kinds of content. Whether you’re making a blog, a static webpage, a shop, or a business website/blog hybrid, WP has you covered and then some. It is easily the most accessible and flexible platform in existence.
It’s for these reasons and plenty more that brought WP to the top of everyone’s lists when they decide to create a website. It truly is incredible how far WordPress has come, but now it’s time to see where it all began, and where it’s going.
Check out our infographic for a look at the past, present, and future of WordPress. Do you use WP for your site? Let us know in the comments!