Posted on Oct 03 2014 by
in Blogs and Blogging Business DevelopmentOnce you choose a theme from us, play around with your site if you are new, or if you are already experienced, then put your site to the community for feedback. This is as easy as joining the WordPress feedback discussion site where you can get your site reviewed.
You can get in the know with a wide range of topics and discussions, as well as get connected to some pretty good site advisors. Many will be impressed by your theme choice, and can offer sound advice on how to improve your site.
As always, use your discretion when posting as there are plenty of people who enjoy using these channels as marketing venues, however, you can often get some useful feedback on your site, and potentially make a new connection that can provide sound advice.
Next time you need some sound advice, and want to engage the community, try the WordPress Forums and see if you can find a new lead on how to make your site more impressive. As always, before you start there, make sure to get a theme package from us so you have all the professional tools in your theme before trying to do something.
Nothing is worse that trying to make some site improvements, only to realize that your theme does not have the necessary elements, so go on and choose one of our themes and join the community with a theme that can take you places.