Posted on Apr 21 2017 by
in BlogIf you want to make sure that your website performs well, there are a few essential basics that you have to get right. There is no point investing loads of time and effort into developing a website if nobody can find it through the search engines and that work is a continual effort, not just a one off piece of work at the start. So what we are saying really is that you can’t simply set up a website and expect it to continue to perform well, you need to keep updating content and using SEO methods.
Lets look at some of the key factors in having a site that performs well. One of the first things you need to think about is getting a good web host, so don’t be tempted to just opt for the cheapest deal that you come across. You need to make sure that the host will be able to support any future website requirements that you may have. It usually helps if you draw out a plan for your website strategy including usage targets and content updates etc. to help you keep on track.
When you get to actually building your website, you need the content to be of very good quality. If you compromise on the quality, your website will look unprofessional and people will form an opinion on your entire company based on this.
As well as getting the content right, you should also make sure that you think about the positioning of content. This is a really important factor and you can use this infographic 25 features every online business must have in 2017. This will help you to ensure that your content is in the best place for maximum effect for example, where to add your call to action to get the best response rate.
Getting a website up and running isn’t easy, anyone who has tried doing it can tell you that. Even for people who have been working with websites for years, there are still new concepts and trends that emerge or new and better ways of doing things. Whether it is a new web host package, the latest WordPress theme or the latest SEO algorithm, you really have to stay on your toes to keep up.
If you are building a website as a one-off and you don’t have much experience in this area then you will benefit from getting some information from top digital experts. You can follow the latest website news and trends through reputable websites and pick up some tips that way. Even the most experienced of website developers struggle with some of the basics, so there is no harm in getting a helping hand.
One of the most important factors in a successful website is the placement of content. Believe it or not but you could have a really professional looking website, with great content and attractive features but it could be flawed by ineffective content positioning. Getting your content placed in the right area has a huge influence on key measures like how make people click on your call to action.
If you want some useful information on how to place your content so that you drive more business through your website, take a look at this infographic. The 25 features every online business must have in 2017 will take the hard work out of deciding on your content layout. With key guidance on what to put in your header, what to sit below the fold and other crucial pointers, your website will soon start converting those visitors into customers.