Posted on Sep 08 2014 by
in Blogs and BloggingAlmost a quarter of websites in the world use WordPress for website development so why shouldn’t you? If you are planning on creating a website for a business or your own blog you may immediately gravitate towards WordPress. Before you jump on the WordPress bandwagon you should ensure that you understand what WordPress can do and what it cannot do. Here are a few answers to questions commonly asked about WordPress to help you decide if WordPress is the right choice for your website.
Does using WordPress require technical skills such as coding or programming?
Absolutely anyone can use WordPress without any previous technical skills. WordPress has been designed to be as easy to use as possible. From the installation of WordPress the design and creation of your site, the entire process is simple. If you do need help, there is an extensive amount of help available online – starting with the official WordPress forum. You can find instructions to walk you through any part of installing WordPress and using or managing themes and plugins.
Does WordPress allow users to create unique and original websites?
When you use WordPress there is an unlimited amount of possibilities for the design of your website. There are thousands of different themes to choose from to get you started, just take a look at our selection and make a purchase. Once you have chosen a theme, you can often make changes to the layout, color scheme, and add graphics and custom headers. By adjusting your theme, you can make your site stand out and look completely original. Once your theme and basic site structure is setup, there are loads of additional options in the form of plugins that are easily added to your WordPress website.
Does WordPress include any additional design features?
By using various WordPress plugins you can create just about any website that you have in mind. Not only can you easily create a blog or a business website you can also use WordPress plugins to create and manage a forum or include ecommerce options in your site. There are also plugins designed to help you manage your WordPress site, including analytics and website traffic or helpful features for managing your workflow.
Are there any costs associated with using WordPress?
WordPress itself is free to use, as are many of the themes and plugins; though, there are premium themes and plugins as well. Premium themes and plugins typically offer users more advanced features that required more time for developers to create. While there are lots of helpful and innovative premium themes and plugins, there are still lots of options when it comes to the free themes and plugins. You will also need to find website hosting for your WordPress site. Depending on which hosting company you choose, you can often find incredibly affordable deals. Many of these hosting sites also provide simple one-step installation for WordPress.
Basically, whatever your web design needs are WordPress can handle them. If you ever find yourself at a loss when attempting to find a WordPress plugin to accomplish a task or add a feature to your site there are many WordPress developers out there that would love to create an original plugin for your site. WordPress is easy to use and once you spend some time with it you will see why it has become such a popular platform for creating websites.