Count Visitors With Ajax

Posted on Oct 13 2014 by in Blogs and Blogging Old-Plugins Product News 

Now don’t think this article is about washing clothes, AJAX is an internet tool known as a Plugin. Plugins now number over 30,000 in the WordPress directory, but AJAX is one that is quite complex, often used by people who know a little bit of shortcode, and are familiar with the php environment of WordPress.

AJAX can be plugged into your site in a couple different ways. The most complex is to get the style sheet updated with some new code, but you might damage your base code so I would not recommend using the following: writes:

You can fully customize displaying of widget by using predefined placeholders, such as {post_id}, {post_title}, {post_title_N}, {post_excerpt_N}, {post_author}, {post_author_link}, {permalink}, {post_date}, {thumbnail-[medium|…|64×64]}, {post_categories}, {post_hits} and {post_comments_count}.

Instead, try some of the more intuitive and user-friendly methods like this:
