Posted on Jun 06 2016 by
in Blog Business Development Software WordPressRevisions stored on WordPress can be a very handy tool if used properly, but can also be a space hog on your page and storage. Revisions can be used to compare previous versions and also highlights changes in documents. WordPress keeps a record of each saved draft or published update in a revisions category. This is an area perhaps a lot of folks can utilize there previous created work and go through the revisions to make changes and even restore an older revision from before. If this folder is not utilized there is also a way to bulk delete as well and keep it cleared out and out of the way.
Revisions are displayed by what was added, what didn’t change, and what was deleted. It is useful when working on a large project and needing notes from your revisions to keep track of what has been added or removed. This is a great personal file storage that WordPress offers when used in this sense. If your revision folder is full and backed up it is a possibility it could slow down the functions of your website, and it does help to clean out this area by deleting unused files or drafts, and maintaining control over this file.
There is even a way to disable post revisions if preferred on the site as well and not have to worry about the folder and space being used at all, and to do this you would need to edit the configuration file. An easier solution is learning how to control revisions in WordPress using a simple interface.
There is a plugin called WP Revisions Control Plugin. After activation you can go to settings then writing to control revisions. From this section you can control how many revisions you would like stored for each post type. You will only see pages and posts in this area if you haven’t created any custom post pages yet. If you want to save all the revisions for your post type you can leave the area blank and WordPress will save all of them automatically by default. Be sure to always save changes when making a change in settings and from there you should be able to manage and control the amount of revisions are saved on your WordPress Site.
As discussed before you can also just bulk delete if you are not interested in reviewing your revisions drafts and published work. All though by going over some of the features the revision option offers such as seeing your changes made and delete on different post this can prove to come in handy as well when working on a big project or a chain of blogs.
The plug in mentioned above is free of charge and very easy to add to your page it is compatible with WordPress and has an easy user interface for those new at using plugins. It is definitely worth a try for managing and controlling your pages revisions. We hope this blog article helps you, please feel free to reach out to us if you have any issues with this topic.