WordPress is a quality tool for website building that has accumulated thousands of users over the years. With its simple design and user-friendly interface, WordPress is a favorite among both novice and experienced website designers.

There are many things to consider in the building of your website. Themes, layout and content will all factor into the final result. Images are also a very important component in the look of your website. Strong images can help your website capture the attention of your readers and enhance your message.

One trend that is ever-growing is the use of mobile technology to access websites. This requires websites to be mobile-friendly and adaptable. One of the ways of accomplishing this is through the use of responsive images. These images can adapt in size to the device that is accessing or viewing them. There are several ways to make the most of responsive images through WordPress.

Background Images

Responsive image technology initially relied on CSS code to transform images into an appropriate size. This code can help make an image fit but it does not shrink the actual image file, only the size of the image. One of its drawbacks is that it can significantly slow down website function due to the long time it takes to upload the large image file. As a result, many different options have been devised.

One of these options is the use of background rather than markup images. Background images are formatted differently and require less adaptation than a markup image. This can decrease the load time that is required to view a website image from a mobile device.

Smaller Images

Another option is to use a smaller markup image along with a background image. This technique can help to cut down on load time as well, but it may be slightly more complicated in the formatting process. It will require the formatting of two different images to be compatible with mobile device viewing.


Javascript is a great solution for image formatting. Compatible with mobile devices, it can help your website content to be easily translated to any screen. Although it can require greater processing and possibly more time for users to access your website, Javascript can solve image issues through URL solutions.

Adaptive Images

Adaptive Image techniques have been developed by several people. By using PHP, adaptive images address each separate image to optimize it for mobile viewing. These methods allow website builders to tailor their responsive images to their viewers, without sacrificing the efficient upload time they want their viewers to experience.

WordPress Plugin

If you are adapting your images for a WordPress-based website, the WordPress plugin can help you with the process. This plugin makes the images appear in a view that fits the screen. However, the actual size of the image is not altered. This is a great solution to the problem of creating responsive images. Users will not have to go through extended loading times, and the final result they see will resemble what would appear on a computer web browser. By using the WordPress plugin, you can achieve consistency for your website throughout different devices.

When it comes to customizing a WordPress log-in page it isn’t usually the first thing one thinks of when designing a WordPress site. All though this is another creative outlet that can be utilized when it comes to creating a site for a client or a customer. The basic templates from the WordPress site can be quite plain and boring. By adding your own background and templates you can log in with style for your page or your clients page.

The original template log in page is heavily branded WordPress and perhaps your clients and users do not need to know the underlying software your site is operating under. This is the most heavily used page throughout WordPress through admin. If you are handing over your site to clients it is a good idea to create a more inviting log in page or perhaps create one more aligned with what your site offers.

This is a page you can utilize your brand and create your own style and color background. WordPress makes it pretty simple to change and customize your log in page by using simple codes and options.

There are steps to take when it comes to customizing your page from inputting codes through you ph files or adding urls in the background images. There are many sites with step by step information on how to customize to your brand and to help direct your log in page in a way that fits your website.

Having a customized log in page also helps your website stand out from others with the basic templates this can be useful when creating your own brand and identity through your WordPress site.

Different ways to customize include:

Changing the logo image Url

Adding a Custom Stylesheet

Adding a Custom link Under Form

Creating a background template or color

Redirecting Users After login

Useful Plugins

These are just a few steps you can take when customizing your log in page.

Creating a logo image for your log in page is a great way to present your brand and to tell your users they are at the right place for your site. This is very useful when creating a new brand and having another area to showcase your logo.

A custom stylesheet for example can be worked with by changing the size of your logo and perhaps matching the background with the appearance of your logo to make it stand out.

These and other easy steps can be taken in forming a customized log in page. There are many useful links on this topic as well as options for colors and styles through WordPress as well as third party sites available. When it comes to creating a page for your brand why not take advantage of every creative and marketing avenue. Every page counts when it comes to drawing your customers and clients in. Like they say first impressions are important and a log in page can definitely make an impression.

WordPress is a great publishing platform that can help you design a quality website in no time using tutorials. The layout of the features in WordPress is fairly straightforward. If you have even a minimal amount of computer experience, you will be able to navigate its menus. The design of WordPress is meant to be intuitive and user-friendly. With a little practice, you will be able to create a website that is sleek and professional. But you may need a little bit of help getting started. Fortunately, there are plenty of high-quality WordPress tutorials available that can help you get the ball rolling.


This service is promoted as the fastest way to learn WordPress. With the help of the professionals at WP101, you can learn the basics of WordPress in an hour. They are there to offer instruction and to explain the basic menus and features that WordPress provides. WP101 features an extensive library of training videos. These videos can offer a great supplement to step-by-step instruction. When you watch a training video, you can see the steps that need to be taken on your screen. This can help you become immersed in the processes of website building and familiarize yourself with the content and creation schemes offered by WordPress.

Creative Bloq

Creative Bloq is another tutorial service that can provide you with top-notch instruction for how to use WordPress. This website offers step-by-step instructions for specific tasks within WordPress. This is great for beginners. But it can also be helpful to more seasoned WordPress users looking to advance their knowledge. After you master the basics of WordPress, you may want to become familiar with the more complex applications it offers. Creative Bloq can help you with this.

The informational posts at Creative Bloq can guide you in many functions of WordPress. You can learn things such as:


  • Mastering the WordPress Visual Editor
  • WordPress SEO
  • WordPress for Designers
  • How to Create a Color Scheme
  • Building Custom Widgets
  • Custom Post Types
  • Creating a Photo Album Gallery
  • Image Management
  • Coding a WordPress Theme from Scratch


These are just a few of the more advanced tutorials offered by Creative Bloq. There are also plenty of options for beginners or people looking to expand their knowledge of WordPress and its basic features and tools. Whatever your skill level, Creative Bloq is a good resource to propel you to the next stage of WordPress usage. With the help of these instructional guides, you will be using WordPress like a pro in no time.

Smashing Magazine

Smashing Magazine is another good tool for WordPress users. This website does a particularly good job of organizing its tutorials based on skill level. Whatever stage of the process you are in for creating your website, you can likely find a good information boost at smashing magazine. Here you can learn things such as customizing layouts and templates, creating a mobile-optimized website, and improving image management. These straightforward tutorials can simplify the process and help you design a website that is both well-functioning and professional in appearance.

Websites can be a useful tool for anyone with a business to communicate with their customer base. They can also provide an outlet for anyone who wants to express their point of view. Building a website may seem like a challenging ordeal. However, with the help of a publishing program such as WordPress, you can have your website up and running in no time. WordPress offers many advantages you can consider when you choose a program to help you build your website.

Beginners and WordPress

If you don’t have any experience with website building, you might think that it requires a lot of practice and study before you are able to navigate your way around a publishing program. This may cause you to put off building your website. However, with WordPress this is not the case. This program is specifically designed to be user-friendly. This makes it a great option, even for beginners. With its easy setup and helpful tutorials, WordPress can be learned quickly. If you have experience with other word processing or design programs you can become familiar with WordPress quickly.

WordPress and Professional Appearance

One of the most important aspects of your website is its appearance. If your website looks amateurish, people who visit it may have less faith in its content. You want your website to have a professional and polished look. This will instill confidence in the people who view it, whether they are there to read content or as potential customers.

WordPress can help you thoroughly polish your website to create a professional appearance. With the help of WordPress editing tools and WordPress themes, your website can have a sleek design that will appeal to your viewers. This will help build their trust and earn repeat visitors to your website.

WordPress: A Reputable Program

There are many different website building programs available for you to choose from. Some programs may offer a layout or function that you prefer. However, it can be overwhelming to sample each website building program on the market. One of the good things about WordPress is its reputation. WordPress is a well-known program within the internet industry. It is heavily relied up by both novice and experienced website builders. If you don’t have the time to sift through tons of potential website building programs, you can rest assured that WordPress will meet your needs.

The Helpful Support of WordPress

Any time you take on a new task it is important to know that you will have help and backup if you need it. WordPress offers plenty of helpful support to assist you in the process of building your website. Both its FAQs and contact information can help you if you run into issues in your website creation. Since WordPress is such as popular program, many people have used it and helped to improve it over the years. There are many resources available for you to consult if you have issues or need parts of the program explained. In addition, there are many forums online where fellow WordPress users can offer tips and tricks to help you build your website.

A website can be a useful tool to run your business, publish content or promote your brand. Many people use their websites as resources for communication with the public. WordPress is a great tool for designing your website. The features it offers can help you customize your page into something that is truly unique.

Once you have your website created, you will need to find a hosting plan to get it online. There are many different services you can choose from for hosting. When your website is up and running, you will want to make sure it is operating at maximum capacity. There are a few steps you can take to ensure that your hosting is allowing your website to function at its best.

Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine optimization is the practice of improving your website’s location in a standard search. There are plenty of SEO techniques and tricks available to increase your website’s search engine presence. Thinks like keywords, backlinking and plugins can make sure your website reaches the most viewers possible.

Shared Hosting

There are many different companies available for hosting services. The trend in hosting is moving toward the use of cloud servers. This allows users to store their data in a central server alongside other servers rather than each user having their own individual server. Cloud hosting contains all data in a central location and offers a higher level of security and stability. It also leaves server settings in the hands of the hosting company, removing one more consideration in the running of your website.

WordPress Configuration

The way you design your website will have a major effect on the way it functions. Some themes are more complex than others which means they take longer to load. By choosing your theme carefully, you can allow your website to function at a high rate. In addition, properly sizing and configuring the images on your website can improve its speed and function.

Server Load

It is important to make sure your website is equipped to handle the traffic from visitors. Additional visitors can put a strain on the server, causing problems for the processing of site traffic. Browser caching is an important part of reducing server load. This method reduces the number of requests needed to load a page. If you do not have a caching solution, traffic can get backed up. Most hosting services provide the necessary setup for increased traffic.

Theme Optimization

Theme optimization is an extension of your WordPress configuration. This is the process of editing your sight to make sure it is not requiring too much time or power to load. One of the ways to achieve this is to remove unnecessary images.

By using these simple methods, you can increase the overall functionality of your website. It is important for your visitors to have a good viewing experience with your website. If they try to visit your sight and it takes too long to load, they may leave and forget about it. You want it to be fast and functional so that it catches people’s attention right away.

If you are looking to create a website for your business or personal content, WordPress can be a great design tool. It’s simple layout and user-friendly interface makes it a great choice for any website builder regardless of experience or skill level.

When you create your website, you will want to gain as many viewers as possible. Most website viewers gain access through search engine results. Your placement in a typical search can be hugely impactful on the traffic that visits your website. This is where the role of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) comes into play. Fortunately, if you are using WordPress as your web design tool, it can help promote your website SEO. WordPress has many options that can help to drive web traffic your way.


Yoast Plugin

This is a popular and effective plugin for SEO on your WordPress website. It is simple to download and provides many benefits. Yoast will offer reminders for you to take steps such as enabling permalinks that will promote your SEO. It also has very advanced functionality that makes it a crucial plugin for anyone running a WordPress website.


RB Internal Link

Another great plugin for WordPress sites, RB internal link serves to promote internal linking. It creates links based on the post name rather than its URL. This makes it an effective tool for internal linking and the promotion of SEO.


Simple URLS

This plugin offers the benefit of tracking outbound links. This is an important part of SEO. If you include links on your WordPress website, you can use Simple URLS to track the clicks and views that occur from your visitors.


NextGen Gallery

Images are an important part of SEO and your website in general. As you plan your website and devise SEO approaches, you will want to place your images and manage them carefully. NextGen Gallery offers superior image management. With the use of this plugin, you can control the title and alt tags of your images and promote them through SEO. This will help you make your images work well for viewers and use them to promote your website traffic.


Lightbox Plus

Lightbox plus is another SEO plugin that relates to images. It is used to control the image overlay in your WordPress site. With the help of the Lightbox plus plugin, website viewers can access images, slideshows and videos all through the overlay it provides.


Widget Logic

Widget Logic is a great WordPress plugin for controlling widgets. It lets you easily determine which pages a widget will appear on. By using Widget Logic’s conditional tags, you can place your widgets exactly where you want them.


Gravity Forms

This is another WordPress plugin that can be hugely helpful with your SEO. Gravity forms is a contact plugin that works easily with other applications such as paypal. If you are using your website for any business functions, gravity forms can help you tailor it in a way that will facilitate communications with your website visitors.

Many people have used WordPress to create their websites. It is a helpful tool that can transform any website into one of professional quality. WordPress is heavily relied upon by website builders. It is a standard program in the industry that lends its services to both beginners and experienced designers.

But creating the look of your website is not the only consideration in getting it online. In addition to building and designing your website, you will also need to find a web host. WordPress Cloud hosting can provide this service. There are many companies that can offer hosting for your WordPress website. Each one offers convenience to its customers and the security that comes with a cloud hosting platform.

Cloud hosting has become widely used among website owners. It offers many benefits that make it an easy and convenient option. Always choose best wordpress hosting to make your site secure and reliable.


Cloud hosting differs from previous hosting options in that it keeps data in a centralized server. Rather that each customer’s information being stored on an individual server, the cloud hosting model keeps all information in a server that customers are then able to access directly.

This model of hosting provides added stability for users. It prevents you from damaging your server or from suffering damage due to other users. Your information is isolated and kept safe. There is dedicated server space for your website and its stability is guaranteed. When you get your WordPress website looking and working the way you want it to, a cloud host can help you publish it and keep it running securely.

Modifications and adjustments

Cloud hosting makes it easy for users to modify or alter their website content. With a cloud host, this process is as easy as logging into your account and making changes. Once you have your website up and running, you can modify the server software or make adjustments as needed.

For example, the amount of storage you receive from a particular server can be customized to your own website needs. If you are unsure what your data needs will be, you can start out at specific levels of GB storage, Ram and CPU. Once your website usage surpasses these levels, the hosting company can upgrade your storage space. This is an efficient way to track your progress as a website owner. You can build your website one level at a time, rather than having to estimate your needs upfront. It makes it easy to develop and transition along the way.


A major issue with any website platform is cost. Website owners want to publish their information in a way that is cost-effective but also reliable. Cloud hosting is financially efficient for both the customer and the host. By keeping information stored centrally, the need for individual servers is eliminated. This makes the process of website creation streamlined and economical.

Furthermore, the cost-effectiveness of cloud software is tied into its stability. Cloud servers do not suffer from typical hardware problems or damage. If you are using a cloud host to share your website, you will be insulated from possible upkeep costs that can occur with other forms of hosting.

Creating a website can seem like a daunting process. There are so many optiongs to consider and choices to make. Fortunately, there are many different website building tools that can facilitate the task.

WordPress is one of the most commonly used tools for website design. IT is simple to learn and an effective way to create a website with a polished and professional look. WordPress is the perfect resource for website creation. Not only is it a thorough design tool, but its layout and design make it intuitive for users to learn regardless of experience level.

One of the many great features offered by WordPress is its selection of website themes. A website theme can help you customize your website and communicate your brand to your website viewers. Everyone has their own preferences for themes. With WordPress, you can select the theme that is right for you and customize it to make your website truly unique.

Selecting a Theme

Themes are an additional form of communication between you and your website visitors. A lot can be conveyed through the colors, font and layout of your website. For example, a black and white theme can convey professionalism while a colorful theme can convey entertainment.

WordPress has an extensive library of themes for users to choose from. When choosing your theme, it is important to think about the message you want your website to convey. Visitors to your website will take instant cues from the look and feel your pages have. Take your time browsing through the website themes to find the one that is right for you.

Uploading Your Theme

Once you choose the theme you want, the process of establishing it on your website pages is very easy. Just choose “Themes” from the “Appearance” menu in WordPress. When you know which theme you want to use, simply click install theme and it will be on its way to your pages in no time.

There is the additional option of uploading a theme that you have previously downloaded from your computer. This process follows the same steps with the only difference being the step of selecting a file to upload.

Customizing Your Theme

After you have chosen and uploaded a theme, the next step will be making it look the way you want it. There are many different changes that can be made to a theme during the customization process. Themes act as a foundation and the customization process gives you the chance to build the exact page that you want.

Different themes have different options for preferences and adjustments that you can make. For example, you may like the look and the background of one theme but want to change the font color or size. To do so, simply choose the “Customize” option from the appearance menu. This will let you adjust the theme as you like, creating a page that is unique to your website. You can use the customize option to highlight or emphasize different parts of your website, making it work well for your own purposes.

Revisions stored on WordPress can be a very handy tool if used properly, but can also be a space hog on your page and storage. Revisions can be used to compare previous versions and also highlights changes in documents. WordPress keeps a record of each saved draft or published update in a revisions category. This is an area perhaps a lot of folks can utilize there previous created work and go through the revisions to make changes and even restore an older revision from before. If this folder is not utilized there is also a way to bulk delete as well and keep it cleared out and out of the way.

Revisions are displayed by what was added, what didn’t change, and what was deleted. It is useful when working on a large project and needing notes from your revisions to keep track of what has been added or removed. This is a great personal file storage that WordPress offers when used in this sense. If your revision folder is full and backed up it is a possibility it could slow down the functions of your website, and it does help to clean out this area by deleting unused files or drafts, and maintaining control over this file.

There is even a way to disable post revisions if preferred on the site as well and not have to worry about the folder and space being used at all, and to do this you would need to edit the configuration file. An easier solution is learning how to control revisions in WordPress using a simple interface.

There is a plugin called WP Revisions Control Plugin. After activation you can go to settings then writing to control revisions. From this section you can control how many revisions you would like stored for each post type. You will only see pages and posts in this area if you haven’t created any custom post pages yet. If you want to save all the revisions for your post type you can leave the area blank and WordPress will save all of them automatically by default. Be sure to always save changes when making a change in settings and from there you should be able to manage and control the amount of revisions are saved on your WordPress Site.

As discussed before you can also just bulk delete if you are not interested in reviewing your revisions drafts and published work. All though by going over some of the features the revision option offers such as seeing your changes made and delete on different post this can prove to come in handy as well when working on a big project or a chain of blogs.

The plug in mentioned above is free of charge and very easy to add to your page it is compatible with WordPress and has an easy user interface for those new at using plugins. It is definitely worth a try for managing and controlling your pages revisions. We hope this blog article helps you, please feel free to reach out to us if you have any issues with this topic.



Making photo gallery albums is important to a website, adding photo gallery in your blog is simple to do. In today’s society we have become a visual world. Driven by appearances and media when it comes to marketing or drawing in an audience a media gallery should be top priority for keeping our page inviting as well as interesting. What would interest you more a plain page with no pictures or a page with photos included to keep our visual attention.

The good thing about WordPress is it has an add media option where it allows its users to develop a photo gallery on their page. WordPress offers different layouts and ways to style your gallery as well. You have the option of using the default layout which is thumbnail or you can design them in mosaic, and slideshow as well.

Tile mosaic styles come in three styles rectangular, square, and circular tiles. This is perhaps the most popular style yet and has a very easy interface for organizing your stream of photos.

All of these styles can be done through the Media Settings in WordPress and once chosen a style for your gallery this will be the style for all future and past posts created on your page. This can be changed at any time as well.

If you are interested in adding a gallery to your page what you will do is open a page or post for editing if it is a new page be sure to add a title before adding a gallery. You will then want to go to the ADD Media button and from there you can choose the Create Gallery Option and begin adding your photos.

The great thing about the different styles and layouts offered for your gallery you can sample each one and see which one fits your page the best. This is a neat option to offer your readers and can prove to be quite rewarding once added to your page. Once you complete all the necessary steps from choosing the photos for each post and your design layout you are then directed to saving and adding the gallery. From this point you can go to your settings and edit your gallery any time. You are able to add and delete photos, change the style, as well as move the photos around. This gives you complete control over your gallery and how you would like it presented on your site.

This has proven to be a successful tool for example if you are creating a cooking blog with recipes a photo gallery of your created recipes or step by step photos of your meal you are blogging about can give your readers a much better experience with your blog and can draw more people to your page. This can be useful for a number of things and pretty much any blog you can create. A photo gallery can aslo be used as a branding opportunity for displaying your company’s logo and photos for marketing helping give your business an identity through the gallery as well.

The photo gallery option is very easy to use and should definitely be a tool to be utilized. Adding such visual elements to your blog or site will make it stand out and be superior than other sites who don’t utilize this feature. Plugins have also been created for WordPress sites that allow you to easily add galleries to your site in under a minute, so now there are no excuses for creating amazing websites! We always enjoy seeing our clients who use our premium wordpress themes so feel free to email us your website and we can add it in our showcase display.