Posted on Nov 14 2015 by
in Customer Spotlight customizable wordpress themesThere might come a time when you will require adding a frequently Asked Questions or FAQs category on WordPress to answer questions that your customers ask all the time. This not only saves you time that would go into answering each individual question but it is also convenient for the customers. As such, you will need to make it count by doing a thorough job in coming up with the right questions and answers.
People running a small business will have a smaller customer base than a bigger business which means they will probably have fewer questions to tackle. Creating such a page is simple as the questions and answers are displayed on a basic post or page which doesn’t require sophisticated expertise. This isn’t so simple for people looking to create an elaborate section for the FAQs.
So how do you go about it?
Install this plugin
Installing the Quick and Easy FAQs plugin and activating it is the first step towards adding this all important page to your website. This plugin automatically adds the frequently asked questions in your admin menu on WordPress. You will get an editor similar to the post editor meaning that every action you want to perform like adding new questions and answering them will be well displayed and thus easy to do. The editor enables you to group the questions into various categories through the FAQ Groups box feature.
Displaying the questions
When you are done adding the questions and answers and are satisfied with the results, you should click on the “Publish” button. This adds the questions to your list in readiness for displaying them to the world.
You need to know that the plugin displays the most recent question first in your list. However, this can be changed by adding another plugin called Post Types Order which allows you to rearrange the order of your questions to your liking. Remember to start with the most important which customers seem to ask the most and continue from there. Make sure the questions flow well by grouping them accordingly through the grouping feature.
The Quick and Easy plugin comes with a number of display options for you to choose from. You can for instance add it to an existing post or page on WordPress or you can display it on a new page with the aid of WP shortcodes.
Other options include:
Shortcodes enable you to add the display option you deem fit thus make it count by getting the right one for the job in order.
Styling your FAQs page
The Quick and Easy plugin displays your FAQs page depending on the theme and fonts on your page. This can be changed using CSS via stylesheet which is found on your theme. If you are not conversant with CSS which requires some technical knowhow, you can install a plugin e.g. CSS Hero to simplify the process for you. This plugin gives you the opportunity to style the appearance of your page to your liking through its inbuilt stylesheet. The plugin comes with an easy to use interface which also allows you to change the color of your FAQs page.
Always remember to save or click on the update button when making any changes. You don’t want to waste time redoing the process because you forgot to save the changes.
Seeing how the process is straightforward, having a basic page for your questions and answers shouldn’t be an option. With the help of a WordPress plugin, you can make this page as sophisticated as the rest of your website which makes the customers want to linger and come back for more.