Posted on Nov 09 2015 by
in UncategorizedWhatsApp is the largest and most popular messaging up with over 600 million users globally. That is a wide readership and can highly be beneficial to your business, so why add WhatsApp to your WordPress site? To start with, Google can penalize sites that are not mobile friendly. We delve into this article to discuss how integrating WhatsApp on WordPress can greatly affect your rankings.
Mobile usage is on the rise thus the need to ensure your website is mobile friendly; it’s actually a feature in WordPress. According to smart insights a staggering 91% of mobile users go online to socialize. Can you imagine, your website been shared by more than 600 million users? Integrating WhatsApp to your WordPress website will maximize engagement and make it easier to share content. One of the best ways to remain popular to your target market is social networks like WhatsApp.
What is WhatsApp and Why Should I Use it?
WhatsApp is a cross platform, mobile messaging app that allows users to exchange messages without paying for SMS. In addition to messaging, it allows users to send images, videos and audio messages. It’s quickly been adopted by a number of sites displaying a WhatsApp button allowing visitors to send and share an article with friends.
BuzzFeed an early adopter of WhatsApp, President Jon Steinberg says the site shares increased dramatically. He continues to praise WhatsApp as a game changer in terms of social networks.
The difference between WhatsApp and other social networks is that WhatsApp sharing is private. It works like sending an email to a friend and if they are loyal and engaging readers, they will make anything go viral. Now you know the monumental impact of displaying a WhatsApp button on your device.
WhatsApp with the Mobile ShareBar Plugin
To enjoy this plugin fully download and install the mobile share bar plugin, and then turn it on. It’s easy. Just go to Settings>Mobile sharebar to configure the plugin
To make it a worthwhile experience you can edit sharing texts or keep them as they are. We highly recommending adding which automatically shortens URLs as you share your content.
If you are particular with the kind of content to share, the display setting option will help you select which posts are on top and on which pages to show the buttons.
You can check options to ‘display the mobile share bar automatically’ and ‘show everywhere’. Save changes and enjoy the added traffic from loyal readers. Currently the WhatsApp share button works only on IOS devices.
Now let’s verify it works, using an IOS device, open your website and check it out.
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WhatsApp with the AddToAny Plugin
The AddToAny plugin makes it easier to share posts to any social media service such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google, and WhatsApp and over 100 sharing and social media sites.
Download, install and activate the AddToAny plugin go to Setting>AddToAny and configure the settings.
Next select the large or small icon for WhatsApp and click add/remove services to add the WhatsApp button. This is applicable for Facebook, Twitter and Google+.
Add WhatsApp to WordPress and configure your recommended display options according to where you want to display it, either at the top of the page or at the bottom. Another option is the floating social sharing bar at the side of the page which is visible throughout. To make it blend with your website, customize the icons and finally save changes.
Check if it works from your IOS device and start sharing content with your friends.
If you are still on the fence on whether to integrate WhatsApp to your website, here are three reasons you must:-
Capture Smartphone traffic– Facebook and Twitter are the most dominant social sharing options, if you click on the Facebook icon, it redirects you to share the page. WhatsApp is on another level of content sharing, the WhatsApp button directly shares the blog post link to your favorite contacts and groups. Using this sharing button instantly brings traffic to the shared blog post, continually forwarding to other users, making it go viral.
Simply easy– no logging into social media to share your post, since WhatsApp has already synced the contact list, this makes it easier to share blog posts on WhatsApp.
Track Google analytics– Add WhatsApp to your WordPress and track traffic through Google Analytics. Sharing tools on WhatsApp have the Google analytic tracking functionality.
So what are you waiting for? Add WhatsApp to your WordPress site and reap the benefits of instant traffic. As the internet grows and as mobile internet usage stays on the rise the social sharing is the ultimate way to share content. Use the above steps now and integrate WhatsApp with WordPress for a better experience.