4 simple tips to get more TikTok followers.

Posted on Apr 07 2021 by in Uncategorized 

Gone are those days when TikTok was the new kid on the block. Now it’s one of the fastest growing platforms with over 800 million active users.

Thanks to TikTok, Millions of people, especially Generation Z users, have turned into digital creators. 

But attracting followers to like your content can be tricky and requires lots of patience.

Today we’ll discuss 4 simple tricks to help you get more TikTok followers.

Follow relevant trends

The more engagement you receive from your fans, the more famous you become.

But the only problem is attracting people to engage with your content.

There’re millions of content creators posting unique content every minute, and if your content doesn’t provide extra value to the viewers, they won’t engage.

One simple way to get the attention of people is to create videos on trending topics. 

It could be anything from a trending sound effect, challenge, dialogue or current affairs.

On TikTok anything can become trendy in no time, but the opposite is also true, which is trends don’t stay for long.

When a sound is in trend, millions of TikTokers create at least one video on it. But how many times can you watch videos with the same sound?

TikTokers have realised this loophole and are in continuous search for trends to create videos before fellow TikTokers do.

When you follow a trend, you grab the attention of people quickly and hence increase your chances of receiving engagement.

How can you find What’s trending?

Take the help of TikTok’s algorithm and use the songs and effects that the app suggests. 

But, remember, not to use anything that’s against your brand’s personality. If your content is focused on a particular niche, don’t just hop on the next trend. First, make sure it’s relevant to what you do. 

Sometimes, while following trends, people end up destroying their credibility and lose followers.

Hence, follow the relevant trends.

Shoot in good lighting conditions

Would you watch a video in which nothing is clearly defined or visible?

Obviously, not. 

People want high-quality videos. Think about it. 

Would you follow someone whose videos are of poor quality?

Also, you know other TikTokers are nailing their game by producing high-quality content. If your videos are blurry, then people would be happy to skip and move on to the next one.

That’s why you should shoot your content in good lighting.

How can you do this?

The obvious solution is to shoot during the daytime. You can also use a rim light. It’ll generate good amount of lighting to make your content, crystal clear and a treat to the eyes.

Use hashtags

Hashtags are gold for expanding your reach. They help you reach your target audience when someone searches for content relevant to yours.

One thing to note down is if you’re a newbie, then try to find hashtags that aren’t overly popular. This’s because TikTokers using these hashtags have millions of followers and hence have better chances of getting their content displayed in the search results. This’ll only push your content down and in no time it’ll be lost among a million others.

A good practice is to use a mix of highly and moderately popular hashtags.

Again, before using any hashtag make sure it’s relevant to your content. 

How can you find the best hashtags?

Ask TikTok itself. Go to the “discover” window, and it’ll show you previews of videos tagged with trending hashtags. You can also search for hashtags in the search bar.

Do a competitor analysis

If you’re building a social presence, you’re going to have competitors.

This’s true for TikTok. 

You probably have other TikTokers competing against you for the same share of audience.

The more they grow, the more difficult it becomes for you to grow.

But it’s a good thing because if they’re attracting huge engagement, you can measure their actions and implement the same tactics in your content.

How to do this?

You can do this by going to your competitor’s profile and checking out their most successful videos. Then make notes of what they’re doing, what filters they use, how they start & end their videos and more.

You don’t have to copy every bit of their work rather create the same content in your own way.


There you go, 4 simple tips to get more TikTok followers. The idea is to produce high-quality videos, use hashtags, follow relevant trends, and take cues from successful competitors to create the best content.