Posted on Jul 20 2015 by
in SEO Optimized Wordpress ThemesThe biggest reason why you have to use redirects in WordPress for changed pages and domain names is to maintain any SEO credence that you have built up for your website. If you want your website to rank high on Google then you should care about redirecting old links to their new destinations. There are many reasons why you might need to redirect one URL to another.
To make it easier for users to find a company’s website, organizations register several domains to cover close variants. For example, domains and can be redirected to the main domain – Also there can be a and, redirected to the main domain. This is an example of how companies can protect their website from competitors. If they do not register, for example, themselves, their competitors can do that to sell similar products, which will be very confusing for customers.
There are several reasons why you may need to move your domain. The main thing here is that you can do it without loosing back links to your website, and search engines will still be able to find your new website.
Slug is a part of permalinks structure, normally it is a simple id for pages and posts, created from your post title. For example, your post name is “My WordPress Post” the slug of that post is “my-wordpress-post”. The full link may look as follows: WordPress by default creates slug for posts, pages, categories and tags as long as you have not created a specific slug. When you decide to change the permalinks structure for your old posts, you need to use 301 redirect not to create broken links in search engines.
In the following post we will tell about the ways to create redirects in your WordPress website. Stay tuned!