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WordPress is considered to be the most popular content management system because of its search engine compatibility and SEO-friendliness. There are countless blogs, websites, and e-commerce sites being built on WordPress now. From start-up companies to large corporations, this CMS platform has won the hearts of businesses in every industry. Moreover, the users simply love WordPress for its effectiveness and simplicity.

Here, we are trying to address a few important frequently asked questions about WordPress and how it affects SEO. If you are in a dilemma about whether or not you should choose this content management system for building your company website, the following will surely help you reach a decision.

Q1: Is WordPress search engine optimized right out of the box?


Many people believe in this misconception. The disappointing answer is a hard “no.” There is no such thing as a search engine ready CMS. Even though WordPress components are made to be search engine-friendly, you still have to put in all manual SEO works and consistent efforts to ensure the desired results. Just switching to this CMS will not help your site rank on top of Google’s SERPs magically.

Q2: Do I need an SEO consultant again if I install a WordPress SEO Plugin?

The first thing to know here is that SEO is not merely an instant and easy install. It is not a typical turnkey solution to your website needs. It is also not a “set-and-forget” affair. You should know that SEO is a continuous and persistent effort, which needs to be woven adequately into the ongoing marketing efforts to bring in results.

    There are no one-shot plugins for WordPress SEO. Configuring an SEO plugin is just the first step in the right direction. The ongoing bigger picture is far more complex, task-intensive, and comprehensive. You need an expert SEO consultant to attain this. Some other essential things to note in this light are:

  • When you build or upgrade with WordPress or a new plugin, it will ultimately alter the code of your site. These changes may also adversely impact your SEO position if not rightly accounted for.
  • Adding more plugins may ultimately slow down your website. The site loading speed is a vital SEO factor, and sometimes this innocent change may have an adverse impact on your ranking.
  • Content marketing is a critical aspect of online businesses. Optimizing the content for relevant keywords may help in getting more leads and convert the same into business. Only an experienced online marketer can devise the right strategies to make this happen.
  • In SEO, it is also essential to run timely audits to ensure that your site is always kept optimized in the highly competitive search engine optimization environment, which requires expert assistance.

Q3: How to choose an ideal WordPress SEO plugin for my website?

Ans: There are two prominent SEO plugins available such as:
1) All in One SEO Pack
2) WordPress SEO by Yoast

The first one is a top choice of WordPress developers, and Yoast is also highly rated. Along with these, you may need more plugins to do other tasks that are necessary to reap the maximum benefits. To choose the best plugins for your specific needs, you must consider the following factors:

  • Compatibility: Check if the plugin is compatible with all other functional aspects and technology used on the site.
  • Support: Ensure that there will be solid technical support for the plugin you are going to choose. See if it has a stable community, and check out the forums, feedback, and reviews to get more info.
  • Popularity and usage: Check the rating to see how popular the plugin is and the usage level. Consider the number of total downloads, which is a clear indication of its popularity and the possibility of ongoing support.
  • The scope of future development: Check whether the company has a solid history of updating their offerings and revising those timely. Buying premium WordPress themes and plugins from reputed providers or marketplaces like CodeCanyon or ThemeForest is safe and smart.
  • Q4: How to choose a WordPress hosting solution for SEO benefits?
    Ans: There are many factors to consider while choosing a hosting solution. Some of these include:

    • Cost
    • Ease of installation
    • Support
    • Web server management

    1) If you have internal resources, capacity, and time to deal with the hosting, data backing up, upgrades, and restoration, try a virtual private server (VPS) to manage things by yourself and enjoy full control.

    2) If you lack the necessary resources, a third-party WordPress hosting solution may help with administration, security, technical, and performance management for a service fee. If you have zero knowledge of the technical aspects of managing a site, it would be best to leave the responsibility on a pro.

    Some other points to consider while thinking of hosting a blog:

    • Check whether the hosting provider permits all plugins of your current or future choice. Some providers may impose some limitations.
    • Some of the hosting services offer a one-click solution for restoration and backup of your site if something goes wrong. It is a convenient feature to have.
    • Check if they are offering a staging environment where you can build, test, or experiment with your site while keeping it hidden from the public eye.
    • Some providers may look great on the outside, but may ultimately offer only low-quality hosting services. Do thorough baselines research before entering into a deal to avoid any future problems.

    Hope these practical tips on WordPress SEO provide you with some baseline insights. We have only tried to focus on the core areas, and further will discuss more such useful tips in the forthcoming articles. Feel free to join the discussion by posting your comments or queries below.

    Author Bio: Marcus Martin is a highly experienced search engine optimization and PPC expert with a keen focus on consulting for audits, strategy, local and technical SEO. He also used to write how-to articles on blogs and websites for the new-comers of this industry.