The High Points of WordPress That Makes It Most Suitable for SEO

If you are not using WordPress, you are doing great injustice to your search engine optimization initiatives, because you are not exploiting its full potential. The beauty of WordPress is that it allows enhancing the capabilities of the platform for achieving better SEO performance. You can improve the capabilities to any extent by using suitable themes and plugins. To make SEO work the way you want and implement strategies that give better marketing results, you must use WordPress.

Themes and plugins make WordPress a much superior CMS as compared to other content management systems like Joomla. Drupal and Squarespace are one of the prime reasons for its popularity. The built-in SEO features are basic, but by using proper themes and plugins, you can undertake complete customization for achieving your marketing goals. Why you must use WordPress for search marketing will be clear after reading this article.

Faster website creation

WordPress is available to all as it is open source and you can download it free. Ever since 2003, when WordPress was launched, the task of making websites has become not only very easy but also very fast. If you are slightly familiar with technicalities, you can create a site in just five minutes, which was just unthinkable earlier. Within that time, you can even get it hosted, and it will be up and running. Over the years, the fine-tuning of the process has also brought the time further. Faster website creation is welcome to meet the demands of the fast-paced business world.

Deriving power from open source

Being an open source platform, WordPress has become much more powerful due to the contributions of developers around the world who are always engaged in creating tools and resources for the platform. It is most beneficial for users who can access the resources that create endless possibilities in customizing SEO to make it more powerful and efficient. You can find thousands of SEO friendly WordPress themes and countless plugins that enhance the SEO functionalities and help to achieve better results. The SEO performance can even touch the sky if you wish and WordPress can do it for you. You can always stay current and updated with the best practices of Google without any worries.

Site structure and content

Better is the site structure, more organized the website is. The site structure determines how much friendly the website would be for viewers and makes it look attractive because this is essential for proper SEO. The process of site structuring happens naturally with WordPress, as the content automatically falls in place by virtue of being organized into pages and blog posts together with tags and blog categories. Your task is to specify the type of content, whether it is a blog post or page and then assign the correct tags and categories to it. The tags and categories related to the topics of the content.

Manage the basics without codes

If you had known that SEO is complicated and managing it is not easy, then you would change your view of using WordPress. It is easy to manage SEO with WordPress as it gives you the options of doing it entirely out of the box. Moreover, you can manage the basics without having any knowledge about codes that provide more control over on-page SEO.

Permalink structure

The structure of URLs, also known as permalinks is essential for SEO and your blog posts, you can set your own permalink structure because WordPress allows it. Once done, you can use the parent pages for organizing your permalinks. Go to the settings menu and choose ‘permalinks’ from the drop-down list that displays the default URLs. Among other options that you see, choose the ‘post name’ option, and you become sure that the URL structure remains optimized with the possibility of customizing the actual words when editing a page or blog post.

Website speed

When using WordPress, you need not worry about site speed because websites with standard themes and basic installation load quite fast. Since website-loading speed is important to Google and search engines, this is a significant benefit for you. However, at a later stage when you use different themes and content on the website, the speed might slow down, but then you can make use of some plugins that can accelerate the speed.

Plugins enhance optimization

Plugins are great SEO boosters, and this is where WordPress scores above other CMS. Plugins are extensions that you can choose to perform specific SEO functions that are over and above the basic features. Plugins allow configuring SEO settings across the website, and some plugins support particular optimization of keywords and content.

To know more about SEO functionalities of WordPress get in touch with the experts at, the SEO Company that has mastered WordPress.

Author bio: Dennis Williams is a WordPress developer who has worked with many different content management systems. He was briefly associated with but has now formed an SEO company along with his wife. A very creative person, he is the brain behind many successful websites.

Digital marketing is here to stay, and the sooner you make good use of it to promote your business the better chances you will have against your competition. Blog writers and marketing experts have taken a special knack into online marketing and duly so. Now any blogger, who knows their work, will vouch for WordPress above anything else simply because it has an excellent connection with search engines.

WordPress site

It is a well-known fact that WordPress blogs get way more attention from Google and other search engines. Every webmaster worth their money knows how to create a WordPress site that can provide a platform where the contents will perform well and in the process gives you a certain edge over your competition. This automatic boost in SEO is a significant advantage in WordPress.

Benefits of WordPress SEO

WordPress helps in finding direct organic traffic to your blog or website. All you need to do is add some efficient features and they are very easy to use. WordPress is a way better site than your average HTML sites and give you an extra edge. With WordPress, you can maximize your chances of getting output and attracting your targeted viewership from search engine giants like Google and other search engines as well.

To get the best possible results from your blogs on WordPress, there are certain things you need to do so that your website is optimized for optimum performance results. After all reaping the most from the organic reach is any blogger’s dream. If you wish to learn more about how to utilize WordPress SEO, then please continue reading below.

How to use WordPress SEO?

If you wish to make good use of WordPress, then you have to place high relevance keywords within the title of every single post and into your contents as well. These keywords should be target oriented. Thirdly, avoid repetition of the title everywhere or else you risk the damage of search engine spiders not being able to rank you properly.

Create a list of keywords for the blog that can be related. The next task in hand as to make your titles as catchy as possible. Keep in mind that the title must be filled with important keywords. By doing so, you make sure that when a visitor comes to your site; that is the first thing that they see. The more pieces you put on the main page of your website, the more it appears important to the viewer as well as to the search engine. Also, keep in mind that the titles you give should be brief and easy to remember. They should apparently also bear a resemblance to the topic that you are writing. Always remember to put quality over quantity and content should be enriching after all.

Getting the help of professional can enable you to optimize your SEO will increase your chances of actually getting ranked in top web search. Companies like Sames Digital SEO provides you with just that. With proper keywords and technique, quality web design and search engine optimization is now available within the budget of your business depending on the size of your business.

A crucial point here is to remember that the blog titles should be reader friendly as well as search engine friendly because if they are not, then they might not end up on top searches in the first place and might result in reducing the chances of getting higher organic search.

Don’t forget to keep a sitemap to your blog as it’s an important criterion in maintaining a WordPress blog. You could just opt for a Google plugin. They are easy to use and relieve you from the tedious and complicated task of programming. The Google plugin will create the sitemap for you. This way, the search engine will find it easier to index your posts from your pages and all your contents will show up in searches at the same place. Also, keep in mind to ping your posts within various sites as well. Backlinks play an essential part for bloggers and is chance of getting discovered by a potential viewer on the internet. There is no limit to the numbers, and you can practically use pings for every post if you can.


Always focus your energy on one topic at a time. A lot of blogs choose to keep a variety of topics as well and there is nothing wrong with that either. But to reap the most benefit from SEO, it is advisable that you stick to one topic at one time only. You can always use other sub topics if you feel they are necessary. Why is this an important matter of discussion you may ask? Well, this way your visitors will find a pattern and will find it easier to relate and secondly, the search engines will find it easy to figure out the relevance of your content. At last, always remember to include posts that are related to your content on the site as well. There are bunch of free plugins too that you can use. Plugins are a great way to keep the contents and relevant keywords in check even if the posts get old.

Author bio: James Cornelius is a well known writer on online marketing and WordPress SEO and is currently writing for Sames Digital SEO. His works on various online blogging methods and marketing have helped thousands of followers and his works can be found all over the internet.

The average website has very little time to impress the people who come and check it out. Statistics vary, but some people say that you’ve got less than 7 seconds to give them what they’re looking for, or they’ll head off to another site. That’s not a lot of time to get their attention! Luckily, you can get help. Here’s 7 tips that will help you boost your page speed and get readers’ attention.

1. Test your website regularly

Many website owners think that their websites are fine, because they visit them all the time and they don’t feel slow at all. This is a big mistake on their part, as they don’t realise that their browser is probably caching the site and making it quicker to load on their machine. Users in other countries, using different browsers and operating systems, may not be getting the same speeds.

The best thing to do is test your website on a dedicated speed testing tool. This will give you the breakdown on what works and what doesn’t, so you can start making changes if needed.

2. Look at your server

Some websites experience issues based on the server they’re using. The biggest issue is with shared servers. They can save you a lot of money, but in the long term they aren’t helpful. If a neigbouring site is getting a lot of traffic, it’s going to slow your site down.

The best thing to do is assign your site to a dedicated, managed WordPress server. These are designed with WordPress in mind, so they should be running at optimal speeds for your site.

3. Optimize your images for speed

If you’re running a good quality website, then you already know that good images are essential for keeping readers coming back. They add depth and quality to your blogs, and help illustrate important points.

What you may not realise, though, is that the images you’re using are actually slowing down your site. The best way to optimise your images for speed is to look at what file formats you’re using. PNG files are higher quality, but they’re often much larger and take longer to load. JPEG files are compressed, meaning they’re smaller and much better for websites.

4. Hire expert writers and proofreaders

A large part of what makes a reader stay on your site is whether the content really speaks to them. If they can’t find anything they can use, they’re going to click away. That’s why it’s so important to get a good writer. They can take your topics and turn them into great compelling content that readers can use.

If you’re not sure where to start looking for a writer, try starting on freelancing websites. You can post your job and hire the best writer for the job. Here’s some sites you can try:

· Upwork
· State Of Writing
· Paper Fellows
· People Per Hour
· Elite Assignment Help

5. Keep WordPress updated

As an open source project, WordPress is always being tweaked with. With every new update will come bug fixes, meaning it can make the site faster. When you get the prompt to update, always make sure that you do it.

6. Don’t upload video directly to your page

Video is a great way to engage your audience, and they’ll love the varied content that they’re getting. However, you need to be careful about how you use it. If you upload directly to WordPress, it can have a disastrous effect on your load times. Instead, upload your video to a hosting site such as Youtube, and embed the video in your post.

7. Enable caching

Remember caching, mentioned earlier in this article? It can work to help your readers. If you enable caching, the first time they visit they may have to download aspects of the site in order to view it. The second time though, those aspects will already be cached, ready for them. This makes viewing the site much faster and easier.


These are all quite simple tips, but you’ll be surprised at the difference they make. Give them a try for yourself, and see what you think.

When you think about what SEO strategies to use when optimizing your website. You need to think on two levels, the visitors to your website and the search engines, who will decide if your website has value to those visitors. Although Yahoo and Bing should not be dismissed as important search engines for being listed, and gaining traffic. Google has the lions share of users, so for the benefit of this article, I will be using Google as a reference.

1. Choosing niche related keywords and key phrases.

Before you start building a website, the first stage is to find the keywords and key phrases directly related to your niche market. They should have a good level of search volume, 500 monthly searches or more is a good basic guide. These days, there really isn’t a definitive number, because there are billions search terms, and ten of millions of website. The higher the monthly search volume and the lower the competition (other websites trying to rank for the same term), is also be a good place to start.

Keyword research is a lengthy tasks, but it’s better to do your research first. The worst position you can be in is to randomly choose a keyword, build a web page around it. Only to realize later that no one is searching that term. Worst yet, you have no hope of ranking for it. There are paid and free keyword research tools around that can speed up the process and save time. Each different tool will give you slightly different results, which may seem confusing.  It actually depends on the actual data it produces.

Using more than one tool, and crosschecking those results, should give you enough information that tell you how many people are interested in what you’re selling. There is also Google’s keyword planner tool, which is free, and will give you the most accurate monthly search term figures. Although it does not give out competition data.

2. This SEO strategy is one of the most important to master. When you build content for each of your web pages. Put your main keyword in the title and in the body of your text. Then, use one or two related keywords throughout the page. Make sure it reads naturally, is interesting and makes sense to the reader. It should also have at least one image or short video. You should be creating content that appeals to people first, and will keep them engaged with your page. At the same time, satisfying Google’s content creation criteria.

3. Make sure all the content on your website is original, and there are is NO duplication of content that already exist online. I can’t stress how important this aspect of SEO is for website owners. If Google deems any content on your website is copied from another source, you could be heavily penalized. They will mark your site as a “copy website with little vlaue”, then drop you out of their listings, drop your rankings.

If you find any copy content on your website, remove it instantly. Checking all your content is a very easy process to complete. There are a number of good free content checkers available online. Usually they do have a restricted number of times you can use them in a day, and may only show a limited number of results, but they do show enough results. Enough to tell you if there are copies out there. Leaving this process to chance is not worth the risk. No matter how well you optimize your site to gain recognition with the search engines. It would all be in vain if Google slaps a penalty on your website!

4. On page SEO.

On page SEO is making sure the content you have on each page of your site is as optimized as possible. This includes adding meta tags, alt tags (naming your image). H-1 tags, H-2 tags, keywords relating to the content of the page. Most importantly the title tag and description tag. If you were to miss one or two on page SEO factors out. Don’t make it the title tag or the description tag. Those tags are read first information the search engine’s algorithms will see. It tells them what the rest of your web page is all about.

5. Off page SEO.

Off page SEO includes brand awareness, back-links, social media, video sharing sites (YouTube) and more. I would say the BIG FOUR are Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn & Google +. There are many others, but if you use these four, they will help your website get more attention across the Internet. Followers, fans, connections and popular circles. YouTube is the largest video sharing site, and is very popular. You can gain good brand awareness, a quick video vote channel subscribers and more. If you are managing your social media accounts, try to interact with them, at the very least on a weekly basis.

6. Visitor Engagement.

Engaging with visitors to your website is also a priority on Google’s optimization radar. It is also a major indicator that all search engines use to determine value, listings and ranking of a website. If the information on your page is interesting and engaging, to keep a visitor on it longer. The search engines will see that as a page with a level of value to visitors who land on it.

Use video and images to make your website more interesting to visitors. When uploading a video, try to make it short and concise. For images, make sure they are not too large. You can use free image optimizer online to reduce them. Too many large images can affect a website’s speed load times, and Google sees fast loading websites as a priority these days.

7. Monitoring Your Website Performance.

Google Analytic has an “Audience Overview” area. It will show your “Bounce rate,” Avg. Session Duration (how long a visitor stays on your site), Pages/Session (the number of pages a visitor click on). Along with more analytical data that will help you address areas of your site that need attention, to improve visitor engagement. Google analytics is a very useful free tool all website owners should use. If you don’t already have an account, open one soon. Generate the code script an place that HTML script in the text area, of every web page of your site.

The code will the collect sort, and analyze date to give you a complete overview of your site’s performance online.
If your site is a WordPress site, you can install the Google analytic plugin. You will then have it showing in your WordPress dashboard, and you can see at a glance how many people visits your site and more.

This list of SEO Strategies is really quite simply to follow. Although some may be time consuming, it will be time worth spent. Up date your website at least six times a year with new content, making sure whatever content you add, is fully optimized.
Author Bio:

April Joyce is a SEO Expert in London having freelanced for several years. she now provides SEO services and professional consultation to small and medium size businesses.