In the initial stages, WordPress was not considered to be a useful platform from where marketing could be done extensively. However, with the passage of time, several innovative features have been added. It has been developed now in such a platform that it spontaneously proves to be one of the best marketing platforms. As a powerful blogging and highly efficient content management system or CMS, it has now gained substantial popularity, and its use appears to be escalating to greater heights with every sliding second. With a broad range of alternatives for search engine optimization, it renders great freedom and facility to the marketers to reach out to the larger and targeted masses of audiences as per their choice and requirements.

WordPress and SEO advantages

Do the search engines prefer the WordPress sites? Well, there is no need to be misguided. Search engines would not favor any website just because it is on any particular platform. In fact, the search engines act impartially. The page ranking of a website does not go up or down just because it has been created using any special platform. What the search engines look for are the websites that are active and the blogs for which are updated more frequently. And, it is here that WordPress provides the SEO advantages by allowing you create and update the contents more quickly and as per your desire. WordPress and its plugins have been designed and developed in such a manner that they enable you to create or amend the contents quickly. Moreover, for blogging, WordPress is a suitable platform. Most sites are accompanied by the blogs. Updating the blogs quite frequently can make your sites and blogs favored by the search engines as the search engines like frequent updates.

Configuring WordPress for SEO purposes

Though WordPress is highly suitable for SEO purposes, nothing happens automatically. Search engine optimization cannot be adequately carried out unless due configuration for SEO is done.

There are several ways through which the configuration of sites or blogs can be done for SEO purposes. If you are familiar with the WordPress theme, you are, certainly, well aware of its benefits for SEO purposes. There are various choices in WordPress themes, and you can choose the one that is best suitable for SEO. However, one needs to be careful in making the right selection. Some WordPress themes look appealing, but they are not designed for enhancing the search engine optimization purposes. So, it is wise to choose the ones that are best suitable for SEO purposes, no matter they do not look lucrative.

The permalinks are great benefits when it comes to using them for SEO. However, it is required that the permalinks are to ‘post name.’ This makes the title appear in URL.

The WordPress SEO plugin is indispensable if you desire to use WordPress for SEO. Though there are several plugins, the ‘All in One SEO Pack’ is highly popular and user-friendly and you can think of using it. This can perform a lot many tasks; however, you should understand well its features and functions before you use it.

Once your sites start getting enough web traffic, you will require addressing certain issues relevant to your site. For instance, you may need to deal with the comments of the visitors properly. And, without using the right plugin, it may be somewhat difficult to do it. So, here also you require identifying the best suitable plugin.

Optimizing pages and posts for SEO purposes

Whether you use the WordPress platform or any other popular platform for your website, something that is essential is to optimize the pages and posts for SEO purposes. And, for this, the optimized content is a must. Much needs to be done through On Page SEO. For instance, you need to ensure that the page or the post is organized around a particular keyword. Also, it gets a place in the title and headings. The frequency of the keyword is organized in such a way that it does not overburden the post or the site and it looks natural.

The graphics, as well as the links, need to be used meticulously. You can add internal links to the other pages on your website. Also, you may add the external links to the authority sites that are in your niche.

This may seem a tedious task, but you should run through the WordPress checklist whenever new create a new page or post. This will ensure that everything is correct. Plugins are available to perform this task, and you can choose to use one that is best suitable for it.

Getting help from the experts

If you are not a tech-savvy, it may be somewhat challenging and confusing to use the WordPress for SEO. Moreover, as a businessman or manager, you may be busy with several other business activities related to your business. This may make the things tough. But that should not be the reason not to use WordPress for SEO purposes. There is no dearth of WordPress SEO experts. You can invest some time in doing some research and find the top New York SEO agency and get the support of the best SEO experts. Again, it may call for some investment, but that should not frighten you. WordPress SEO would get you due to return. After all, your WordPress site or post would prove to be less meaningful unless it is optimized.

Need of WordPress SEO

At a time when competition in almost every sphere of business is getting tougher each day, it is essential to be familiar with the latest trends in marketing and other activities of the firm. There is no way a business owner can afford not to use the online marketing tools and techniques. And, if WordPress provides the convenience to use it for SEO purposes, there is no reason why one should not harvest the benefits from its highly elegant features for search engine optimization of pages or posts.

Author bio: The author Bryan Rich is a WordPress SEO expert. Besides carrying out WordPress SEO, he also keeps sharing valuable information about SEO. In this article, he explains how one can use the WordPress use for business SEO. He also guides the business owners how they can find the top New York SEO agency and get due help from SEO experts.


Whether you’re running an e-commerce shop, a drop-shipping website or a corporate blog to bolster your company’s brand image, there’s a good chance you’re using a WordPress installation to create that site. This is the most popular content management system (CMS) in use, and it’s used to create upwards of 75 million websites around the world.
That’s roughly one out of every four websites on the World Wide Web. Or as WordPress frames it:
“More than 409 million people view more than 23.6 billion pages each month and users produce 69.5 million new posts and 46.8 million new comments every month.”
You might want to read through those statistics again. There’s a lot to unpack there. Suffice it to say, WordPress is huge, and if you have a website, there’s a one-in-four chance that it’s powered by WordPress.
I work for a leading SEO company in Sydney, Australia, and many of our clients prefer to work with WordPress. Given the affordability and functionality of this CMS, I understand why this is their go-to online content creator. But I’ve also seen first-hand just how many people end up missing out on some of the key features available through WordPress.
One of the strongest features of this CMS is the vast ecosystem of plugins available for modifying your installation of WordPress so that it can achieve more for you. With that in mind, I’ve drawn up a list of ten must-have plug-ins if you’re hoping to crush it with WordPress in 2017:
1.SEO Yoast
While it’s no replacement for actual SEO services in Sydney, Australia, Yoast is a great value-adder for SEO-conscious website operators. The free version helps you optimise each page of your site for a particular keyword, offering insight into your keyword density and making it incredibly easy to set your meta tags (see here for more on what that means).

The better your SEO efforts, the more traffic your site is going to receive. This makes it all the more important that site visitors are able to contact you with questions, orders and follow-ups. WPForms makes it easy to set up high-functioning contact forms on your site.

WordPress is an open-source CMS, which means that hackers can scrutinise the code to find new and more inventive ways to breach your security. If malware penetrates your site and starts infecting visitors, your search rankings will plummet. Securi counters this with free and premium security products that will help shore up your defences.

4.ShortPixel Image Optimiser
Images make your site more attractive, but they also saddle it with a download burden (read: slower load time). ShortPixel makes it easy to compress your images so that they’re the perfect size for a mobile device or desktop computer – rather than for a full-colour 55-inch display. That would be overkill.

5.Envira Gallery
If you’re working on images, why not work on galleries, too? Envira helps you optimise your galleries so that they render well and load quickly for a variety of screen resolutions. In other words, this plug-in lets you capitalise on image-heavy design without risking a higher bounce rate.

6.W3 Total Cache
Following on from the previous two plugins, W3 Total Cache also helps your pages load faster. It does so by serving your site visitors with compressed files that load faster and obliterate bounce rates. Fast load times are an incredibly important factor for SEO. You need this plugin in your life.

7.All in One Rich Snippets
Rich snippets (aka ‘meta descriptions’) are an important bit of behind-the-scenes text that you can add to your website. They tell search engines what a specific page of content is about, so that this information can be presented to users when they are searching for sites like yours. This is the text that appears under the links on the search engine results pages (SERPs). If you’ve spent much time cruising the SERPs, you’ll notice that many of the rich snippets are incomplete or – even worse – feature the dreaded ‘robot.txt’ disclaimer. Improving your own snippets helps you boost your site’s SEO ranking and improve user experience at the same time. It’s a win-win!

Better SEO means higher traffic, but what are you doing to capture and retain these new site visitors? The Bloom email opt-in plugin helps you prompt your site visitors to give you their email addresses, which you can use for future EDM campaigns. This is big-picture stuff, and it makes a huge difference for SEO campaigns.

9.Google Analytics by MonsterInsights
Any SEO company worth its salt will provide you with comprehensive analytics reports for how your site is performing. But second opinions are always recommended. This WordPress plugin lets you compile your Google Analytics information. This is good for your own information, as well as for confirming that your SEO company is really delivering.

10.Disqus Comment System
All of those new site visitors that your SEO campaign has generated need an easy way to engage with you and others like themselves. The Disqus comment system is one of the most reputable out there, and it enables visitors to sign up, leave comments and otherwise engage with your brand on your site.
This is just a sampling of the must-have WordPress plugins in 2017. Each of these will help amplify your SEO efforts, but none are a replacement for a well-thought-out strategy. But if you already have an SEO company in your corner, any of the above plug-ins will help you achieve even better results over the long term.

Author Bio
Will Dolphin is an SEO specialist who works for He’s a WordPress wizard and a self-described ‘tech geek’. When he’s not designing responsive WordPress sites or optimising them for search, you’re likely to find him blogging about the latest Rick and Morty episode under a pseudonym he’d rather not disclose here.

The various advantages you can enjoy with Yoast SEO plugin

There are different parts of SEO and plugins are just one of them. If you are wondering which SEO plugin should you prefer for your new website, then it is advisable to go for Yoast SEO. This is a popular SEO plugin which is available for free. However, you can expect to get maximum advantages, which are not available otherwise with the other free SEO plugin suites. In this post, we will talk about the Yoast SEO plugin as well as the features it can provide to the users.

Advantages you can enjoy with Yoast SEO

High readability and use of 5 keywords per page

With this SEO plugin, you can get more visitors from Bing and Google. You can attract more visitors from the social networking media as well as enhance the engagement of the readers. If you want to enjoy all the benefits of this SEO plugin, then you need to convert the free mode to paid version. It can allow up to keyword optimization for five keywords for each of the pages. These five keywords are those by which you would like to rank your website on the search engine pages. You can check the Facebook, Google and Twitter previews on the page. The preview is significant on these social media pages as well as others because it will help you to add traffic to your website.

We can analyze the readability of the copy which you have written as well as calculate the Flesch Reading Ease score. At the same time, you can set the prime category for all your posts as well as determine the taxonomy for the single pages on your site.

No advertisement in paid version – Avoids content duplicity

Many users complain that they have to face repeated ads when they use Yoast SEO. However, it is a problem only with the free version. Once you install the paid version, you will no longer get to view any ads. You need to upgrade the Yoast SEO Premium to get access to the new enhanced benefits. You can also avoid content duplicity by avoid confusing the search engine Google with the copied content. You can set the canonical URLs.

Perfect for search engines search pages

We can say that this plugin makes it quite easy to seduce the search engines. If you want to make sure whether you are using the keywords correctly in your content, then Yoast plugin can help you as well. It can show whether the keywords are being properly placed and utilized in your contents.

Yoast SEO will always ensure that the mechanical configuration can roll out the carpet for the search engine. It does not matter at all whether you are aware of the .htaccess files, sitemaps or clean permalink URLs, robots.txt, etc. the best part of this plugin is that it can be updated after every two weeks. This update will take place automatically, thus ensuring that the site is optimized as per the recent algorithms of Google. You can also check the number of internal links present to and in a post on your site. You can also expect to get suggestions to various other pages n your site as well.

Why is it necessary to hire an SEO expert?

It is necessary that you hire the service of an SEO expert to reap the maximum benefits. If you are not an expert in SEO, then it is not possible to use the SEO tactics correctly. Without SEO tactics being properly used, you cannot expect to get 100 percent results. When it comes to hiring an SEO expert, then it is suggested that you check out for the agencies. There are numerous companies available, and you can easily choose one by your requirements. The packages vary from one firm to another; you can strike the best deal after comparing the shortlisted options. If you know anyone who is presently using SEO services, then you can also go ahead and take referrals. This can allow to you to get some discounts as well.

Search Crush SEO is a popular name in this domain, and they can nourish you with customized SEO packages. They provide a vast range of SEO services, which also includes plugins as well. Their team of expert is available to guide you regarding your requirements.

Author bio:

James Booth is known for being an expert SEO specialist. He has written some blogs on SEO topics. In this post, he has tried his best to help readers to learn about Yoast SEO. This is a popular SEO plugin which has become widely popular nowadays owing to the number of benefits it has to offer the users. Search Crush SEO is a well-known service provider for SEO related services. The author has recently worked with this company, and he has also suggested readers go for their service to enjoy maximum possible benefits.

Design elements on your website that are killing your SEO

How healthy is your site? Now that is one odd question. Your site can look fabulous, seem superbly functional, and yet lack SEO capabilities due to small faults in core codes. The graphic interface of a website is just as important as its core code. Therefore, we have seen websites confident about their HTML codes and CSS formats rank lower than they should. Somewhere, they forget that their website is for human users. Pleasing the bots and the search engines is not enough to secure a good rank.

Did you know, Design elements could become more powerful in dictating your SE rank than your website content? People trust sites exponentially more when the designs were professional. In a recent survey, about 94% of the people visiting a website referenced the design of the site as a cause of their mistrust. Only about 6% referred to the content or the lack of it as their reason for mistrust.

How is your website doing?

Therefore, how many people visit you each day, your bounce rate and your conversion rate, all depend on how your site looks. Just optimizing your content for the search engines and adding lucrative header tags is not enough for ensuring high organic traffic. The graphic design and content of your website should not clash. A children’s website should use fun and easy to use layouts in vibrant colors. Bakery sites usually go for powder blue, baby pink and white combinations, food websites rely heavily on green, orange and yellow tones. The content and your target audience will determine the design of your website. This will directly impact other aspects of your business including branding and sales.

What Google likes right now

Responsive design is something all bots welcome. Your SEO service for small business can create responsive website designs by using generous doses of CSS 3 with your HTML 5 code. You will need a little bit of knowledge regarding coding to turn your desktop site mobile friendly. However, if you are creating a mobile-friendly site from the top, you can directly go for templates that create websites for all devices. Very recently, Google has announced their intention to introduce an index between mobile users and desktop users for 2017. Along with the AMP project, this gives a clear indication of Google favoring responsive sites over static sites.

Our website design needs to reflect your brand, business policies and it should resonate with your audience. Thinking long-term is often beneficial for your business. Going by the latest trends may create more hoopla, but thinking of brand value building through website design is one way to make your online presence last longer.

Traditional is good

Always remember, when it comes to website designing – stick to the traditional schemes. The moment you shift from a traditional HTML-based website design, you are raising some obvious red flags with the Google bots. They are more accustomed to crawling regular sites, with regular core codes, with a dose of CSS and a nice slathering of SSL certifications. The best option for the smart builder is parallax design or parallax scrolling. WordPress has made Parallax more or less their monopoly. Search engines may have some initial trouble following this design, but it is more than just a fleeting trend. It looks like Parallax is here to stay. It creates a continuity that most of your users will like.

Design for the future

While making certain graphic design changes to your site, you need to remember that this is the time for AI. RankBrain is already in action, and it is the fourth most important factor for Google ranking. Designing for people and bots were the talk of the past. Now you need to think about designing for the future or the AI. Google is soon going to merge their current image recognition and SER technology with RankBrain. Here are a few factors that will affect SEO then –

  • Websites with a great design that appeals to all judges will get an immediate boost.
  • Relevant images with ALT tags and high-quality images will get the right boost.
  • Alt Tags will need to be more specific. You need to be able to describe the purpose and content of the image via its Alt tag.
  • Google may directly penalize deceptive images, deceptive content (this includes incorrect use of keywords) and author profiles.
  • “Shop by image” function is on its way. This will revolutionize the e-commerce market. Similar to the “search by image” function, it will allow users to shop for highly specific or visually similar products.

If you want good traffic, invest in a good website design. Looks, layout, and content will determine a huge part of your SEO. Codes may be THE factor, which determines a site’s optimization, but looks do matter, says Drew Hendricks in Forbes.

Author bio: Vivian Green is an analyst with the leading SEO service for small business in the city. She has worked with the leaders of the industry and found the secrets to Google’s ranking system.

Digital marketing is here to stay, and the sooner you make good use of it to promote your business the better chances you will have against your competition. Blog writers and marketing experts have taken a special knack into online marketing and duly so. Now any blogger, who knows their work, will vouch for WordPress above anything else simply because it has an excellent connection with search engines.

WordPress site

It is a well-known fact that WordPress blogs get way more attention from Google and other search engines. Every webmaster worth their money knows how to create a WordPress site that can provide a platform where the contents will perform well and in the process gives you a certain edge over your competition. This automatic boost in SEO is a significant advantage in WordPress.

Benefits of WordPress SEO

WordPress helps in finding direct organic traffic to your blog or website. All you need to do is add some efficient features and they are very easy to use. WordPress is a way better site than your average HTML sites and give you an extra edge. With WordPress, you can maximize your chances of getting output and attracting your targeted viewership from search engine giants like Google and other search engines as well.

To get the best possible results from your blogs on WordPress, there are certain things you need to do so that your website is optimized for optimum performance results. After all reaping the most from the organic reach is any blogger’s dream. If you wish to learn more about how to utilize WordPress SEO, then please continue reading below.

How to use WordPress SEO?

If you wish to make good use of WordPress, then you have to place high relevance keywords within the title of every single post and into your contents as well. These keywords should be target oriented. Thirdly, avoid repetition of the title everywhere or else you risk the damage of search engine spiders not being able to rank you properly.

Create a list of keywords for the blog that can be related. The next task in hand as to make your titles as catchy as possible. Keep in mind that the title must be filled with important keywords. By doing so, you make sure that when a visitor comes to your site; that is the first thing that they see. The more pieces you put on the main page of your website, the more it appears important to the viewer as well as to the search engine. Also, keep in mind that the titles you give should be brief and easy to remember. They should apparently also bear a resemblance to the topic that you are writing. Always remember to put quality over quantity and content should be enriching after all.

Getting the help of professional can enable you to optimize your SEO will increase your chances of actually getting ranked in top web search. Companies like Sames Digital SEO provides you with just that. With proper keywords and technique, quality web design and search engine optimization is now available within the budget of your business depending on the size of your business.

A crucial point here is to remember that the blog titles should be reader friendly as well as search engine friendly because if they are not, then they might not end up on top searches in the first place and might result in reducing the chances of getting higher organic search.

Don’t forget to keep a sitemap to your blog as it’s an important criterion in maintaining a WordPress blog. You could just opt for a Google plugin. They are easy to use and relieve you from the tedious and complicated task of programming. The Google plugin will create the sitemap for you. This way, the search engine will find it easier to index your posts from your pages and all your contents will show up in searches at the same place. Also, keep in mind to ping your posts within various sites as well. Backlinks play an essential part for bloggers and is chance of getting discovered by a potential viewer on the internet. There is no limit to the numbers, and you can practically use pings for every post if you can.


Always focus your energy on one topic at a time. A lot of blogs choose to keep a variety of topics as well and there is nothing wrong with that either. But to reap the most benefit from SEO, it is advisable that you stick to one topic at one time only. You can always use other sub topics if you feel they are necessary. Why is this an important matter of discussion you may ask? Well, this way your visitors will find a pattern and will find it easier to relate and secondly, the search engines will find it easy to figure out the relevance of your content. At last, always remember to include posts that are related to your content on the site as well. There are bunch of free plugins too that you can use. Plugins are a great way to keep the contents and relevant keywords in check even if the posts get old.

Author bio: James Cornelius is a well known writer on online marketing and WordPress SEO and is currently writing for Sames Digital SEO. His works on various online blogging methods and marketing have helped thousands of followers and his works can be found all over the internet.


WordPress is very popular website developing and blog platform with tons of SEO advantages. It is very famous CMS used by thousand of websites from many years. When we developed a website OR launch any website of our personal OR business, SEO is now a day compulsory thing to take in consideration.

SEO is to optimize a website to increasing traffic to a website which ultimately increase your visitors to website. If your website is developed using WordPress platform than SEO of such website is somewhat different from other simple static OR dynamic website. SEO of WordPress site is easy and it is shown by many years that wordpress sites are perform well in SEO, WordPress site is ranking well in search engines for its targeted keywords.

WordPress SEO is drive with the different supported WordPress Plugins. SEO of wordpress sites are done with the help of different SEO plugins. One of the main and popular SEO plugin for WordPress site is Yoast SEO plugin. The beauty of this plugin is – it is with no of charges means free for all and easy to use by thousands of WordPress sites owners.

One can easily integrated yoast seo plugin to its WordPress site. After adding this plugin into the site, you can add all seo stuffs like Title, meta descriptions, meta keywords, Header tags etc. to each and every webpage of the site.

Other wordpress plugins which help for seo is LinkPatrol , Nofollow check box in WordPress which are helpful for SEO. When you want to start SEO of your wordpress site, after adding yoast seo plugin, you should first make keywords research for deciding your targeted keywords. Titles and meta descriptions are written using targeted keywords and with extra care because these things are highly impact on higher or first page rankings of the targeted keywords. Other factors including Header tags, images, alt attributes are also considered as a important in SEO of wordpress site.

WordPress is a CMS and also mainly used as a blog platform so one can easily update contents frequently on wordpress blog. Other SEO tools which can help are:



LinkPatrol is a premium WordPress plugin which allows you to control all the links on your website.

You can monitor all the outgoing links on your site, find out which links are giving away link juice, and more. LinkPatrol is less resource intensive than other free plugins that do the same job. It provides a quicker and efficient way to clean up all your anchor text, spammy links, and link juice problems with a very intuitive and super fast user interface.



SEMRush is a tool that Pros use to gather analytics and insights from their competitor’s to help improve their own SEO. You can learn about organic keywords to rank for, places where you can get backlinks from, insights into your competitor’s advertising strategies, and so much more. SEMrush is a paid subscription and is used by thousands of SEO professionals all over the world. It can provide you an enormous wealth of data.

Thus SEO of WordPress is made easy with the help of different WordPress Plugins.

For WordPress Premium themes please visit us at SoloStream Themes.