Your choice of blogging platform can help you get the most out of your writing. WordPress is popular with many writers as it’s so adaptable. If you want to customise the platform, these 15 tools and plugins will help you get the most out of it.

Yoast SEO:

This tool is designed to make it easy to track and monitor your SEO. It sits in your dashboard and helps you see how good your SEO is as you write. It will show you how strong your keywords are, how good your readability is, and more.

Floating Social Bar:

Social share bars are a must, but a lot can slow your site down. This plugin is designed to give you those tools without affecting your blog’s speed. Now your readers can share your blog on any social media site that they choose.

Easy Word Count:

Keeping your blogs short is one of the best ways to keep readers interested. This tool will help you keep them to the correct length.


Plagiarism is a real problem online, and sites will be penalised by Google if they’re found to be using another writer’s work. This can happen if you don’t mean it to. Use this site to check your work before posting it.

CoSchedule Headline Analyzer:

A good headline is crucial to getting readers to click through to your blog. This tool will give you data on your headline, and give suggestions on how to improve it.

WPData Tables:

This plugin helps you create responsive tables for your blog. It’s easy to use and helps you create visual interest in your posts.

The Noun Project:

This plugin gives you icons for almost anything you can think of. You can use them as identifiers, or as images in their own right. They can bring a lot of interest to your blog without the effort.

Buy essay:

Proofreading is an essential part of blog writing. This tool helps you find an expert to check your blogs for you before publication.


This plugin is designed to help you create interactive elements, such as quizzes and polls. It’s a tool that you can use to increase engagement. You can also use it to gauge what your readers want from you.

Australian Help:

If you need an editor to polish up your blog ready for publication, you’ll find one here easily. They’ll edit it according to your notes, and send it back to you ready to be used.

Cool Timeline:

As the name implies, this tool enables you to create embeddable timelines in your blogs, good if you need more visual interest.

Link Patrol:

Links are important, as they will show readers that you’re a well-researched blog. This checks that all the blogs you’re using are legit.

Big Assignments:

This writing service is capable of putting out different types of writing, including blogs. Give your writer the topic and any info they need, and they’ll get it written. It can save you time when you’re looking to hit deadlines.


This tool helps you find new trending topics to include in your blog. This is helpful when you’re out of ideas, or want to use a trend to launch a blog.


This tool will help you retain readers after they finish, by sending them to a related post.
These tools will help you get the most out of your WordPress blog. Give them a try, and you’ll see just how much your readership and engagement can grow.

Brenda Berg is a professional with over 15 years of experience in business management, marketing and entrepreneurship. Consultant and tutor for college students and entrepreneurs at Resumention and UK top writers. She believes that constant learning is the only way to success. Besides, she regularly writes for her blog Letsgoandlearn.

For a business to grow exponentially, you need to hold on a failsafe strategy that assists you in keeping it up amid all the tiffs and competition prevalent in the industry. And having an idea about your traffic, potential clients, their locations, visiting hours and duration can help you serve them proficiently and in the best possible manner. This can be easily done with the help of a reckoned analytic tool which when gets integrated into the site, helps in accessing all the required data easily and without any extra efforts.

All small and mid scale business websites rely on Google Analytics to leverage the popularity and reach of their business on the web. This easy to use web Analytics tool helps in getting insights about the traffic, business and scope of sale conversions. Most of the website site owners this analytic work on their own, oblivious to the fact that it would eventually end up creating a mess. In the past few years, the popularity of WordPress and Google Analytics have surged so high that developers started exploring ways to combine these two entities in one process. This is where, WordPress Google Analytics plugins were introduced.

Here is a list of the best named Google analytic plugins that can be easily integrated in the site which can be used to access the codes and modify them accordingly. There are hundreds of Analytics plugins out there and to pick the best out of them is quite difficult at times.


8 Best-Known WordPress Google Analytics Plugins

1. Google Analyticator


It is an easy-to-use plugin that allows you to easily view Google Analytics data within your WordPress dashboard. You can easily log in to your account without changing the template codes again and again. This plugin offers manifold widgets that helps in displaying analytical data in the admin section.
Highlighted Features:

Compatible with both Universal (Analytics.js) and traditional Analytics (ga.js) Offers widget to show visitor’s data on the front-end

Easy installation

Supports multiple language options

Comes With: 3.2 or higher

Compatible WordPress Version: 4.5.3

Total Downloads: 400,000+


2. Google Analytics Counter Tracker

If you are searching for a WP plugin that not only lets you analyze the traffic on your site but also helps in exhibiting it in the form of graphs on your site.

Highlighted Features:

Can be easily installed and used Segregation of data by hour, month, day or year Supports all advanced versions of WordPress Responsive design Comes with: 3.9 or higher

Compatible WordPress Version: 4.5.3

Total Downloads: 30,000+


3. Better Google Analytics Better Google Analytics is a WordPress plugin that can be easily integrated to the website to keep track of your records. It uses charts, events, heat maps, etc for its virtual tracking. You need not to log in to your account to view the records from the admin area only. This plugin uses lightweight JS that helps in proffering quick results.


Highlighted Features: Real-time dashboard charts Offers debugging mode Changeable rate of Analytics sample Location of Google Analytics codes can be easily changed Mobile-friendly design Comes with: 3.8 or higher

Compatible WordPress Version: 4.5.3

Total Downloads: 30,000+


4. Google Analytics for WordPress by MonsterInsights Google Analytics for WordPress by MonsterInsights is a boon to your blogging site as it helps in tracking the activities on your blog easily. Being backed by an expert community, it is always kept updated to run in compliance with the running WordPress version. Highlighted Features: Swift processing 3 steps easy installation Secure IP’s for use in other countries Can easily track search results pages and “error 404” Comes with: 3.9 or higher

Compatible WordPress Version: 4.6

Total Downloads: 1+ million


5. Google Analytics Dashboard for WP Google Analytics for WordPress plugin allows you to easily track your site activity using advanced analytic tracking codes. It offers easy segregation of data in the form of in-depth page reports and in-depth post reports. So the performance of your each post and page is shown in these reports.
Highlighted Features: Real-time Analytics report of visitors, channels and source details IP’s can be kept anonymous, if required Easy cross domain linking


Comes with: 3.5 or higher

Compatible WordPress Version: 4.6 Total Downloads: 800,000+


6. Google Universal Analytics Struggling to add Google Analytics code into your website? Start using Google Universal Analytics that allows easy integration of Analytics code into your website. You simply need to copy and paste the tracking ID and wait for it to work. Simple, isn’t it! Highlighted Features: Provides SSL security for all tracking data Improved link attribution Intuitive user interface Can easily disable tracking for specific ID’s IP’s can be made anonymous, whenever required Responsive layout Comes with: 3.0 or higher

Compatible WordPress Version: 4.1.12 Total Downloads: 20,000+


7. NK Google Analytics

This WordPress plugin allows easy installation of data that requires JavaScripts to track your website in an easier and lot easy way. It also supports classic, universal and remarketing Google Analytics tracking code. Highlighted Features: Can be easily installed ID’s can be kept anonymous for certain countries Option to disable tracking for some user ID’s Mobile-friendly layout User-friendly interface Comes with: 3 or higher

Compatible WordPress Version: 4.4.4 Total Downloads: 50,000+
8. GA Google Analytics With the help of this WordPress plugin, you can easily insert tracking codes that would help you view site statistics in your Google Analytics dashboard. Highlighted Features: Quick performance Reliable Adds tracking code to each page lightweight and simple to use GA support Comes with: 4.1 or higher

Compatible WordPress Version: 4.5.3 Total Downloads: 20,000+


Wrapping Up! So finally you have got an idea about best Google Analytics plugins for WordPress, that are distinctive in their functions and features. Each of these plugin is different in their features and functions, so better choose the one that best suits your business requisites. And to avoid any glitches during installation or integration, you can simply hire WordPress plugin developer to simplify your task. All of these plugins are widely popular among WordPress users and site owners searching for a one-stop solution to access the activities on their site.