There may be hundreds of search behind this particular issue about creating custom url for the WordPress, basically when you install WordPress you are having 2 different default urls,
and normally people tweek them by their own way, but yes its very strange that WordPress has yet not been offered to customize their url officially, but yes it is very possible and with very little knowledge and proper step by step instruction you can do that. Here we can show you why we should have the custom URLs,
- Protect against the Brute Force – Yes its a common issue that many of the wordpress sites are getting hacked cause of its popularity and no of uses, so many webmasters are spends their time on fixing and backing up their sites. So its better to stop people to use the backdoor by customizing the backend url. There are few protection we like to recommend that, always use abnormal username, try to make your password more complex and make sure you sign out before you regret.
- Revamp the whole user access area – Yes wordress does not offer officially to customize the url for the back end but there are few plugins which really can help you but there is no assurance that it will be work as expected dues to java script conflict though here are the few plugins that may help you,
Go Pro
We have also released an add-on for Protect-WP-Admin which not only demonstrates the flexibility of Protect-WP-Admin, but also adds some important features
- Login Attempt Counter
- An option for manage login page CSS from admin
- An option for change to username of any user from admin
- An option for define custom redirect url for defalut wp-admin url
- Faster support Upgrade to Pro Version

- change /wp-login.php to for example /user/login/
- change /wp-login.php?action=register to for example /user/register/
- change /wp-login.php?action=lostpassword to for example /user/remind/
- change /wp-login.php?action=logout to for example /user/logout/
- you can define your own custom paths for each URL above
- set successfull login and logout redirect URLs