Have you ever wished to sell several variations of your product on your e-commerce website? This might range from color preferences, different sizes for t-shirts to any other factor you might have for your product. The WooCommerce plugin gives you the ability to do this easily through its Product Variation feature.

We will take you through the process of creating product variations in this post and at the same time, we will highlight its importance and use in the modern world of WooCommerce.

What are WooCommerce Product Variations?

You are already familiar with the fact that the majority of products come in many options: scent, size, color, just to name a few.

In WooCommerce Product variations are represented as a type of product called Variable Products. WooCommerce gives you the ability to control the stock, image, and price of each variation of your product.

Every variation of your product requires an SKU number (Stock Keeping Unit) to differentiate from other variants. Since it might be confusing when all variations are displayed on different pages, WooCommerce displays them on a single page with a selector to switch between the different variants.

How to add Variable products in WooCommerce

Step 1: Set up the Variable Product

All you need to add a product variable is to either create a new product or edit an existing one.

  1. Navigate to WooCommerce, Products
  2. Choose Add product or select a product in All Products and click Edit to modify it

In the Product data dropdown choose Variable product

You will notice that some product options will have changed. One of these changes is that you can now not enter a product’s price. You can fill in this information at a later stage.

Step 2: How to Add Product attributes for Product variations

Select the attribute tab and from the variable attribute dropdown, you can select the default WooCommerce attributes (Color and size) or you could choose to add a new custom one

For pre-existing attributes make sure to enable the options: Visible on Product Page and Used for variations. After that, you could add as many attribute values as you would wish.

Step 3: How to Generate Product Variations

Navigate to the Variations tab, you will find a drop-down menu with the options: Add variation, Create Variations from all the attributes.

If you choose the second option, WooCommerce will automatically generate Product Variations for each combination of attributes you have specified. Let’s say you specified two attributes Size (Medium, Small) and Color (Red, blue). The variation this option creates is

  • Medium Red
  • Medium Blue
  • Small Red
  • Small Blue

However, if you would want to do this manually, select the first option and use the menus you will find to create each product variation. Each variation requires you to provide an SKU number to help in the management of inventory.

You also have the option to choose how you would want to price each of the product variants by specifying prices for each of them.

Step 4: Publishing your Variable Products

There is additional information you would wish to add to have a complete page such as price, image, taxes, just to mention a few. Having set up the Product variations according to your liking, you can proceed to publish your product page.

Product variations are meant to provide a good shopping experience for your customers and having learned the process of setting it up, nothing should stop you

Followers on Twitter matter.

They reflect how well your brand functions on the platform and that whether you’re an authority in your niche.

The more followers you have, the more engagement you can generate through your content and marketing efforts. This can do wonders for your business.

In this article, you’ll learn 4 simple ways to get Twitter followers.

Let’s get started…

Tweet consistently but not too frequently

There’re two parts to this point.

Let’s discuss the first part.

When you join a social platform, it’s your content that attracts people to follow you. In simple words: The better the content, the more the followers. But there’s a tiny factor that plays an important part in expanding the reach of your content: Consistency.

One piece of content won’t give you millions of followers.

It’s when you post quality content consistently people notice your efforts and if they’re convinced that you’re providing value to their feed they click that follow button.

Most creators commit this mistake.

They post when they like it or when they’ve something to post.

Yes! Creating quality content takes time, but growth on social media platforms depends on consistency.

Hence, make sure you’re feeding people regularly.

The second part concerns you being spammy in front of your potential followers.

Consistency is fine when you give a gap between your tweets or posts, but most users keep on posting day and night. It doesn’t matter how good your content is, people will see you as a spammer.

Think about it. Wouldn’t you be frustrated if someone floods your feed with tweets every time you open Twitter?

That’s exactly what happens when you keep posting without maintaining proper intervals. By doing this, you’ll only scare people away.

Therefore, Tweet consistently, but not too frequently.

Follow & Engage with relevant accounts

One simple way to attract people to follow you is to find people who share the same interests or niche as you then follow and engage with them.

When you do this, those people will get notified and might check your profile. If they like what you do, they might even follow you.

But before you start following there is something you should remember:

Don’t just follow any account with many followers because they wouldn’t follow you back if your interests don’t match.

This’s where you need to make sure you’re following accounts relevant to your niche and actually want to follow because you like their content.

Often we follow accounts, then after they have followed back, we unfollow them. While this’s a useful trick, still people don’t like it and this might create a poor reputation of your brand.

Finally, engaging with other accounts can earn your new followers. After you find relevant accounts comment, like, retweet and share their content. They’ll appreciate it and do the same for you. This way you can reach new audiences.

Unlock the power of multimedia

Twitter is all about tweets, but a little implementation of multimedia to your content strategy can increase your followers massively.

People are attracted toward visuals.

Images speak a thousand words and videos provide a seamlessly straightforward way of consuming content in little to no time.

By sharing different content, you’ll keep your followers entertained and attract new ones.

Also, your followers will appreciate your efforts in creating multimedia content for them.

You can share infographics, E-Pubs, Webinars, blog posts and more.

The possibilities are endless.

But make sure everything you share is of top-notch quality.

Promote your Twitter profile

This’s the step where you can bag most followers.

You’re probably on other social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, etcetera.

If you aren’t, then create accounts because cross-platform promotion works like a charm.

People who follow you on other social platforms would definitely love to follow you on Twitter.

You can share your twitter address in the bio section of your handles or add social links.

Another way to promote your Twitter profile is to include it in your email signature. This’ll let all your subscribers know of your presence.

Finally, use your website to direct traffic to your account.

Here’s how to do this:

  • Embed relevant tweets in blog posts.
  • Add a Twitter button under social profiles on all your webpages.


These 4 ways are all you need to win Twitter followers. The idea is to give people a reason to follow you. All you need to do is tweet consistently, publish multimedia content, engage with relevant accounts and promote your profile.

As most of us already know, LinkedIn is all about making connections, right from people that you already know to people that you want to know. With more than half a billion users from around the world, LinkedIn can be considered a leader when it comes to connecting with potential business partners, hires, and B2B prospects.

Of course, while LinkedIn is made for professional networking, many users are still intimidated by it. Most people do not know who should be in their network, who you should not get in contact with, etc. Sadly, this hesitation will make the process of landing new connections quite slow.

Of course, you can make use of your contact list to find the initial LinkedIn connections. However, you will exhaust this source soon and you will have to find new ways to find connections. In this article, we will discuss some of these methods.

Getting more LinkedIn connections

With the help of these methods, you should be able to find new connections on LinkedIn:

Personalize your requests for connections

When you are going through the list of ‘people you may know’ on LinkedIn, do not only tap on the ‘connect’ button. Even if you do, the request will be sent in a very generic manner. Instead, you need to head to the profile of the person you want to connect with and tap on the ‘connect’ button there.

This way, a box will show up and you will be able to add a personal note for the connection request. You can put in messages like ‘I have noticed your work and would like to connect with you’, ‘Hi, it is good to meet you; let us keep in touch’, etc.

Follow up on the requests

Networking still happens just like in the old days – you need someone face-to-face at some event like a conference or a trade show. Or, you may meet some locals like your classmates, yoga instructor, healthcare provider, or the owner of your favorite coffee shop. Most of us tend to overlook these daily connections we make. Hence, it is important that you reach out to them on LinkedIn.

Set your monthly connection goals

Getting LinkedIn connections outside your personal contacts is not easy. Hence, it would be helpful if you set up certain numbers over some weeks or months. However, ensure that the target is do-able. Instead of setting a goal of 300 connections for the next month, it makes more sense to set a goal of 100 connections for two years.

However, one thing you need to remember is that you need to maintain proper etiquette and do not spam users that you do not know. Also, do not expect all your connections to accept your invitation immediately.

Post daily on your LinkedIn feed

Whenever a connection comment, shares, or likes your status update, all their connections will likely see your original posts as well. If your connections are relevant, these second-degree connections may also send you an invitation to connect with you.

By adding more posts to your profile, you create more engagement for your LinkedIn profile, which will spread across the homepages of your connections. You can also use LinkedIn tools to automate this. Hence, you should not get annoyed when you see daily posts by them. The algorithm of LinkedIn is very tricky and the networking protocol is unlike those of other social media platforms.

Make use of images on your posts

If you want to increase the engagement on your LinkedIn social posts, it is important that you add images as well. This will increase your reach with people in your existing network and also exposure to potential connections. Experts have mentioned that the views on your posts increase by at least 11 times. Add organic images, not links, to your LinkedIn posts.

Engage with your existing connections as much as possible

Similar to all social media platforms, it is important that you engage and talk with your connections as much as possible. Something as simple as a ‘like’ or a ‘comment’ on your post can help you expand your reach. Additionally, it is a very considerate thing to do if a certain post resonates with you.

Commenting and asking questions will increase your exposure and engagement.


Similar to Instagram, LinkedIn has grown into one of the hottest social media platforms on the web today. Content creators and savvy marketers make use of this platform to connect with new users to increase their reach and engagement. With the help of these tips mentioned above, you will be able to increase your LinkedIn connections with ease.

When it comes to growing your Instagram account, there are a few faux pas that you want to steer well clear of. One of those faux pas is buying fake followers.

You may be reading this wondering why you shouldn’t, as it seems like an easy and sure-fire way to grow your Instagram account, but when things seem too good to be true, they probably are. Here we tell you why you shouldn’t buy fake followers and what you should do instead.

Why Are Fake Followers Bad?

Fake followers are exactly that, they are fake. They are empty accounts that take up space in your follower list but fail to add any value to it.

One of the most important algorithms on Instagram is the follower to engagement ratio.

The more engagement you have on your content from your followers, the higher the chance that Instagram will show it to other users. Fake followers don’t engage with your content at all and ruin this algorithm.

Buying fake followers can also get your account blocked and worst-case scenario, it can also get you banned. So, don’t take the easy way out!

Growth Services

The opposite to buying fake followers is investing in a sustainable growth strategy, these growth strategies are developed and deployed by growth services. They are more expensive than buying fake followers, but you get what you pay for!

You can opt for one of two growth services, you can either go the fully managed one or you can opt for an Instagram growth service that you manage yourself. It all comes down to how much time you have and how much control you want to have.

Managed Growth Service

These are more expensive than the services that you manage yourself, but they are operated by people that Instagram experts. When you sign up to these services the first thing, they will ask you is the characteristics of your target demographics.

Where are they located? What are their interests? How old are they?

Then they will ask you what accounts are similar to yours.

All these data points help to build a cohesive and sustainable strategy whereby your account manager will engage with accounts that match your data points on your behalf. The result is an organic growth strategy that compounds over time.

You won’t see millions of followers over night, but you will begin to see a slow increase followed by a faster ascent as your follower to engagement ratio increases and Instagram, shows your content to more users.

Self-Managed Growth Services

If you want more control over your growth strategy, you can use a tool that you can configure yourself to grow your account.

The word configure may seem daunting, but don’t worry they are pretty simple and straight forward to use. You will need the same data points as the managed growth service, but you input this data yourself and then manage the account. The good thing about a self-managed service is that you are able to make changes at the drop of the hat, however, you don’t want to be doing this on a regular basis.

You want to give your strategy a chance to develop and embed itself within Instagram before you start making too many changes. So, if you sign up and only see an increase of 5 followers on the first day, don’t be put off. These services work on engagement, they will comment, like and follow users that match your parameters and in return these users will do the same to your content.

These results compound over time as you will have a higher level of engagement on your feed and be rewarded for it. One thing you will need to be aware of though when you set up this growth service is not to go overboard with actions. You will need to limit the number of actions per day, otherwise you risk getting your account banned. Make sure you set a sleep time (minimum 7 hours per day) and don’t breach the maximum limit of actions (the service will advise you on this!)

Wrap Up

When it comes to buying Instagram followers, just don’t. They will wreck your Instagram account and make it so you can’t grow properly. Instead utilise a growth service which will grow your account safely and effectively.

You have a choice of either a fully managed service or a self-managed service, either way both of these options are far better than buying fake followers.