Improving Readership On Your Site

Posted on Aug 14 2014 by in Blog Blogs and Blogging 

Are you worried about whether visitors to your WordPress site are enjoying your content? Poorly written content is one of the biggest problems that a blog can face. From spelling mistakes to rambling distractions, there are many ways to lead readers away from your WordPress site. This does not mean you need to take a writing course or perfect your knowledge of the written language. By taking the time to pay attention to what you are writing, you can instantly improve the quality of your posts. Here are some simple tips that you can use to improve your content and writing ability for your WordPress posts.

Stick to Your Topic
As you write an article, it is easy to get distracted and run off of a tangent. This will carry you away from your main topic and distract your readers. It is important to stay focused when writing an article. Your visitors should be able to read your post in within five to ten minutes, so always keep your main point in mind as you write. This will result in content that flows naturally, without a lot of distractions.

Spelling and Grammar
The content in your posts should be easy to read, allowing readers to quickly digest the information that you are providing. One of the biggest deterrents to readability is spelling and grammar. As a visitor reads through your post, if they come across a spelling error or a major grammatical mistake, they are forced to stop reading and contemplate the information. This disruption to the flow of your content may force readers to abandon your WordPress website. While the WordPress post editor does contain a basic spell checker, you can take additional precautions with the help of a WordPress plugin. After The Deadline is a WordPress plugin that not only checks spelling, it will look for grammatical errors and even scan the style of your content to help improve readability.

Search Engine Optimization for Content
SEO is a major part of any blog or website. While you should make an effort to include your target keywords in your content, write for your readers first and search engines second. This means you should not overuse keywords, which can make your content harder for humans to read. One way to check the usage of keywords in your content is with the help of the Yoast SEO WordPress plugin. This plugin will let you know how often you have used your main keyword or keyword phrase in your content, Meta description, and title.

Editing and Revising Your Content
When you think you have finished writing your article or post, take the time to go back and read what you have written. Do not skim your content. It is crucial that you read the entire article from start to finish. This will help you catch errors that were not found during spelling and grammar checking. You may also come across unnecessary sentences or repetitive information. After editing and revising your article, it is ready for publication.
By following these suggestions, you can ensure your WordPress content is readable and easy for all your visitors to follow. Remember to stick to your main topic, check spelling, look for grammatical errors, include SEO, and then finally edit and revise your content. Now get to it and start creating readable relevant content for your visitors.